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如何在C ++中使用枚舉專門化函數的返回類型?

[英]How to specialise the return type of a function with an enum in C++?

我正在使用變量為C ++中的語法分析器存儲一系列類型。 語法規則的每個組成部分都有一個類別(類型為枚舉)和一個值。 組成部分根據類別存儲一種類型的值。 為了示例,我將類別簡化為'String'=>存儲字符串,'Number'=>存儲int。

我想根據類別枚舉獲得具有正確類型的成分的值。 我怎樣才能做到這一點?



#include <variant>

struct Constituent
    enum class Category {String, Number};
    using Value = std::variant<std::string, int>;

    Category cat;
    Value val;

    // Using a struct ideally to allow partial specialisation of the template,
    // so I can pass the enum without the return type.
    template<Category T>
    struct OfCategory {};

    template<Category T, typename U>
    friend U const& getValue(OfCategory<T>, Constituent const&);

using Category = Constituent::Category;

// Template to return the value as the correct type
// for the constituent's category.
template<Category T, typename U>
U const& getValue(OfCategory<T> type, Constituent const& constituent)
    // Uses the variant's get function.
    return std::get<U>(constituent.val);

// Specialisation to return string from Category::String.
string const& getValue(OfCategory<Category::String> type,
    Constituent const& constituent)
    return getValue<Category::String, string>(constituent);

// Specialisation to return int from Category::Number.
int const& getValue(OfCategory<Category::Number> type,
    Constituent const& constituent)
    return getValue<Category::Number, int>(constituent);

int main()
    Constituent strCon = {Category::String, "This is a string!"};
    Constituent intCon = {Category::Number, 20};

    // In my current implementation, I want this to work with
    // the type wrapper as an overload for the function.
    string strVal = getValue(OfCategory<Category::String>{}, strCon);
    int intVal = getValue(OfCategory<Category::Number>{}, intCon);

    // But it would be better to directly use the template.
    strVal = getValue<Category::String>(strCon);
    intVal = getValue<Category::Number>(intCon);

    // The only way I can get it to work, is to explicitly provide
    // the return type, which defeats the point.
    strVal = getValue<Category::String, string>(
        OfCategory<Category::String>{}, strCon);
    intVal = getValue<Category::Number, int>(
        OfCategory<Category::Number>{}, intCon);

    // Ideally, I could use the cat parameter in Constituent to dynamically
    // infer the return type, but I don't believe something like this is
    // possible in C++.


enum E

template <E e>
struct Traits;

template <>
struct Traits<X>
    using type = std::string;

template <>
struct Traits<Y>
    using type = int;

template <E e>
typename Traits<e>::type get();

template <>
typename Traits<X>::type get<X>()
    return "";

template <>
// actually, using the appropriate type directly works as well...
int get<Y>()
    return 7;


std::string s = get<X>();
int n = get<Y>();


template<Category T> struct OfCategory;

template<> struct OfCategory<Category::String> { using type = std::string; };
template<> struct OfCategory<Category::Number> { using type = int; };


template <Category T>
const typename OfCategory<T>::type&
getValue(OfCategory<T> type, Constituent const& constituent)
    // Uses the variant's get function.
    return std::get<typename OfCategory<T>::type>(constituent.val);

用於調用: getValue(OfCategory<Category::String>{}, strCon)


template <Category T>
const typename OfCategory<T>::type&
getValue(Constituent const& constituent)
    // Uses the variant's get function.
    return std::get<typename OfCategory<T>::type>(constituent.val);



template<Category T>
auto getValue(OfCategory<T> type, Constituent const& constituent)
    -> decltype(std::get<T>(constituent.val))
    return std::get<T>(constituent.val);

(可能需要將Tsize_t )。 換句話說,你的getValuestd::get的重新發明


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