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使用類模板的 const 靜態變量初始化數組大小時出錯

[英]Error initializing array size using const static variable of class template

template<typename T, typename C = vector<T>>
class stack{
    friend class stack_array;

template<typename T, typename C = vector<T>, typename K = stack<T,C>>
class stack_array{
     static const size_t max_elem;
     array<K, max_elem> store;

template<typename T, typename C = vector<T>, typename K = stack<T,C>>
const size_t stack_array<T,C,K>::max_elem = 10;


error: the value of ‘stack_array<T, C, K>::max_elem’ is not usable in a constant expression
array<K, max_elem> store;
note: ‘stack_array<T, C, K>::max_elem’ was not initialized with a constant expression
static const size_t max_elem;

我認為發生此錯誤是因為在模板類定義之后初始化了靜態常量變量max_elem 這種理解正確嗎? 有沒有辦法解決這個錯誤,而不必改變max_elem的當前用法?


static const size_t max_elem = 10;


常量靜態成員 如果整型或枚舉類型的靜態數據成員聲明為 const(而不是 volatile),則可以使用初始化器對其進行初始化,其中每個表達式都是常量表達式,就在類定義中:

struct X {
     const static int n = 1;
     const static int m{2}; // since C++11
     const static int k; }; 

     const int X::k = 3; // Only this needs to be defined


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