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[英]How to make bash script that detaches from process and then reattached to it later?

我需要編寫一個bash腳本來啟動一個阻塞過程,然后從中分離出來,以便我可以運行一些其他命令來配置該正在運行的過程,然后重新附加到原始過程中,以便ctrl + c將其殺死。

具體來說,這恰好是Google Cloud PubSub模擬器,因此bash腳本看起來類似於以下偽代碼:

# TODO: pubsub will block, but I need to detach from it so I can create topics.
gcloud beta emulators pubsub start --host-port=localhost:8086

python publisher.py myapp create topic1
python publisher.py myapp create topic2

# TODO: Now I need to reattach to the pubsub process.


screen -S pub_sub_emulator -dm gcloud beta emulators pubsub start --host-port=localhost:8086

python publisher.py myapp create topic1
python publisher.py myapp create topic2

screen -r pub_sub_emulator


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