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[英]Comparing huge range of cells and one column from two different worksheets



Sheet2是我們提供材料的產品清單。 當我用谷歌搜索時,我找不到完全相同的情況。 我嘗試在下面編寫代碼,但是沒有用。

在Sheet2中,產品列表位於列'C'中,我有1582個項目。 您的幫助將不勝感激。

Sub Highlights()
    Dim sh1 As Worksheet
    Set sh1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
    Dim sh2 As Worksheet
    Set sh2 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2")
    Dim lastRowNumber As Long, lastColumnNumber As Long

    lastRowNumber = sh1.Range("A1", sh1.Range("A1").End(xlDown)).Rows.Count
    lastColumnNumber = sh1.Range("A1", sh1.Range("A1").End(xlToRight)).Columns.Count

    Dim i As Long, j As Long, x As Long
    For j = 1 To lastRowNumber
        For i = 1 To lastColumnNumber
            For x = 3 To 1584
                If sh1.Cells(j & i) = sh2.Cells(x, 3) Then
                    sh1.Cells(j, i).Select
                    With Selection.Interior
                        .Pattern = xlSolid
                        .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
                        .Color = 49407
                        .TintAndShade = 0
                        .PatternTintAndShade = 0
                    End With
               End If
End Sub


首先,確保兩個表都被格式化為表(主頁>格式化為表)。 在此示例中,我要突出顯示的表名為“ t_Stuff”,包含條件的表名為“ t_StuffCriteria”,而包含條件的列名為“顏色”。

  • 轉到首頁>條件格式>管理規則>添加新規則>使用公式來確定要格式化的單元格
  • 然后添加此公式


  • 點擊格式化,然后選擇所需的單元格格式。

    • 單擊確定>確定

    • 在“應用於”框中,突出顯示表中應應用突出顯示的所有單元格,然后單擊“應用”。



這是結果。 如果該行中的任何單元格與第二個表的指定列中的任何單元格匹配,則將突出顯示該表的整個行。


或者,如果您想嚴格保留vba ...

Sub ConditionalFormatEntireRow_BasedOnCellMatch()

'~~~> Declare the variables
Dim wsT As Worksheet 'name of the sheet with data to be tested
Dim wsC As Worksheet 'name of the sheet with the criteria
Dim t As ListObject 'table name containing data to be tested
Dim c As ListObject 'table name with the criteria
Dim tCol As Long 'column name with the criteria
Dim f As String 'formula to be used for conditional formatting
Dim fc As FormatCondition
Dim i As Integer

'~~~> Turn off screen updating and alerts.
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False

'~~~> Inputs.  Modify these with your values.-----------------------------------
'~~~> Store your objects as variables.
Set wsT = Worksheets("Conditional Format")
Set wsC = Worksheets("Conditional Format") 'my example tables are on the same sheet
Set t = wsT.ListObjects("t_Stuff")
Set c = wsC.ListObjects("t_StuffCriteria")
tCol = t.ListColumns("Colors").Index
f = "=COUNTIF(INDIRECT(""" & c.Name & """),INDIRECT(""" & _
    t.Name & "[@[" & t.ListColumns(tCol).Name & "]]""))>0"
'~~~> End of inputs.------------------------------------------------------------

'~~~> Double check the formula variable.
If f = "=COUNTIF(INDIRECT(""t_StuffCriteria""),INDIRECT(""t_Stuff[@[Colors]]""))>0" Then

    Debug.Print "The formula is correct."

End If

With t.Range

    '~~~> Delete any existing formatting conditions.

    '~~~> Set the format conditions.
    Set fc = .FormatConditions.Add(xlExpression, Formula1:=f)

        '~~~> Specify the formatting that should be applied.
        With fc

            .Interior.Color = vbGreen
            .StopIfTrue = False

        End With

End With

'~~~> Turn on screen updating and alerts.
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True

'~~~> Release the variables from memory.
Set wsT = Nothing
Set wsC = Nothing
Set t = Nothing
Set c = Nothing
tCol = Null
f = vbNullString
Set fc = Nothing

End Sub


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