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[英]How to wait for internal promises to finish

我正在使用fs.readdir獲取目錄列表,然后再次在回調中獲取每個目錄中的“子頁面”列表。 我希望第一個回調等待第二個回調完成,但是我不確定該怎么做。

// Array to hold list of pages
const pageList = []

// Get contents of target directory (not recursive)
fs.readdir(targetDir, { withFileTypes: true }, (err, items) => {
  // Stop and return if error
  if (!!err) return err

  // Go through found contents
  const theseItems = items.map(item => {
    const subpages = []

    // Directory name
    const dirName = item.name

    // Set up published target for this directory
    const thisTargetDir = targetDir + '/' + dirName + '/publish'

    // Now get pages in the directory's published directory
    // (assumes all files within subdirectories are .mdx pages to load)
    return (
      fs.readdir(thisTargetDir, { withFileTypes: true }, (err, pages) => {
        const theseSubpages = pages.map(page => {
          const mdxSuffix = /.mdx$/g
          const pageName = page.name.replace(mdxSuffix, '')

          return subpages.push({ name: pageName })

        Promise.all(theseSubpages).then(() => {
          // Add to page list array
          pageList.push({ name: dirName, subpages: subpages })

  Promise.all(theseItems).then(() => {
    console.log('pageList at the end is: ')

Promise.all(theseSubpages)可以按預期工作,但是Promise.all(theseItems)在前者有機會循環通過之前Promise.all(theseItems)解析。 我了解為什么會發生這種情況,並且我嘗試做一些事情,例如以Promise.resolve()的形式返回每個item ,等等,但是這些事情沒有用。



我嘗試使用fsPromises方法,但一直fsPromises相同的錯誤模式。 最終使用node-dir包遞歸遍歷目錄。 下面的代碼,並不是我要執行的操作的確切答案,但這可以得到我想要的結果。

const dir = require('node-dir')

const targetDir = __dirname + '/../pages/stuff'
const pageList = []

dir.paths(targetDir, (err, paths) => {
  if (err) throw err

  const baseMatch = __dirname.replace('/lib', '') + '/pages/stuff'

  paths.dirs.map(dir => {
    // Only publish paths
    if (dir.substr(-7) === 'publish') {
      // Get the slug directly before publish path
      const contentSlug = dir.split('/').slice(-2)[0]

      // Add this to main pageList array as top level objects
      pageList.push({ name: contentSlug, subpages: [] })

  paths.files.map(file => {
    const filePathArray = file.split('/')

    // Only publish paths
    if (filePathArray.slice(-2)[0] === 'publish') {
      // Get parent content slug for matching purposes
      const parentContentSlug = filePathArray.slice(-3)[0]

      // Get file name (remove .mdx suffix)
      const mdxSuffix = /.mdx$/g
      const fileName = filePathArray.slice(-1)[0].replace(mdxSuffix, '')

      // Loop through main page list, find match, then add file as subpage
      pageList.find((obj, key) => {
        if (obj.name === parentContentSlug) {
          return pageList[key].subpages.push({ name: fileName })

  console.log('pageList at end:')

承諾通過鏈接工作.then調用( Promise.then(doStuff) 如果您許下諾言但又不做承諾,那么您將無法知道它何時完成。 為了鏈接來自內部函數的承諾,您必須返回承諾。



const readdir = (target, options) =>
  // returns a promise that resolves or rejects when the call finishes
  new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
    fs.readdir(target, options, (err, result) => {
      if (err) reject(err);

const collectSubPages = pages =>
  // Wait for all the promises in the array to resolve
    // for each page, return a promise that resolves to the page/subpage object
    pages.map(({ name }) =>
      readdir(targetDir + "/" + name + "/publish", {
        withFileTypes: true
        .then(subpages => subpages.map(({ name }) => ({ name })))
        .then(subpages => ({ name, subpages }))

readdir(targetDir, { withFileTypes: true })
  .then(pages => collectSubPages(pages))

@David Yeiser,可以使用Array方法.filter().map()以及各種優化來更簡潔地編寫您自己的“更新”代碼,如下所示:

const dir = require('node-dir');
const targetDir = __dirname + '/../pages/stuff';
dir.paths(targetDir, (err, paths) => {
    if (err) {
        throw err;
    const baseMatch = __dirname.replace('/lib', '') + '/pages/stuff';
    const mdxSuffix = /.mdx$/g; // define once, use many times
    const fileList = paths.files
        .map(fileName => fileName.split('/'))
        .filter(filePathArray => filePathArray[filePathArray.length - 2] === 'publish'); // Only 'publish' paths
    const pageList = paths.dirs
        .filter(dir => dir.substr(-7) === 'publish') // Only 'publish' paths
        .map(dir => {
            const name = dir.split('/').slice(-2)[0];
            const subpages = fileList
                .filter(filePathArray => filePathArray[filePathArray.length - 3] === name) // select those files whose "parent content slug" matches 'name'
                .map(filePathArray => filePathArray[filePathArray.length - 1].replace(mdxSuffix, ''));
            return { name, subpages };
    console.log('pageList at end:');


  • fileList使用paths.files.map().filter()模式構造。
  • pageList使用paths.dirs.filter().map()模式構造。
  • 對於pageList每個條目, subpages都使用fileList.filter().map()模式構造。




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