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[英]How to print a list of keys from a dictionary with a specific

目前我正在嘗試檢查項目字典並通過它們檢查值。 如果該值大於 0,則將其打印在列表中,否則將其忽略並繼續。 目前我輸入了這個代碼:

from items import items

for item in items:
    if items[item][6] < 0:
        print("You have ", item[6], " of ", item[0], " .")

但是從這里開始,我對如何繼續進行此操作感到非常困惑。 我收到一個索引錯誤,但我不確定它的用途。


您可以這樣做 注意這僅在您的元組始終具有相同的結構/字段數時才有效。

In [23]: my_items = {'Broken Watch': ('Broken Watch', 'This is a watch. It appears to be shattered, and the hands are no longer moving.', 'Item', 'Junk', 1, 1, 0), 'Watch that will
    ...:  print': ('Some stuff', 'More stuff', 'Item', 'Junk', 1, 1, 7)}                                                                                                            

In [24]: for name, info in my_items.items(): 
    ...:     num= info[6] 
    ...:     print("Checking num", num) 
    ...:     if num > 0: 
    ...:         print("You have", num, "of", name, ".") 
Checking num 0
Checking num 7
You have 7 of Watch that will print .

您沒有正確訂閱item itemitems一個鍵,你必須與它相關聯(就像你在if語句中所做的那樣)。 另請注意,根據問題的文本,您可能打算使用>運算符,而不是<

for item in items:
    if items[item][6] > 0: 
        print("You have ", items[item][6], " of ", items[item][0], " .")


for item in items.values():
    if item[6] > 0: 
        print("You have ", item[6], " of ", item[0], " .")


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