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[英]Javascript make table with rows and columns given by user and change each cells colour onclick

我有一個代碼,用戶在其中輸入行數和列數。 在給定的行和列的表的創建過程中,每個單元格都有一個onClick事件,用戶單擊任何單元格,單元格的背景顏色就會更改。 在我的代碼中,如何更改單元格的背景顏色?

    Grid Height:
        <input id="n1" type="number" name="height" min="1" value="1">
    Grid Width:
        <input id="n2" type="number" name="width" min="1" value="1">
    <input type="submit" onclick="makegrid()">
    <table width="100px" height="100px" id="myTable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse" >
        var x,rn,cn;

        function makegrid()// function called after submit button is clicked
            rn = parseInt(document.getElementById("n1").value); //fetches the entered rows by user
            cn = parseInt(document.getElementById("n2").value); //fetches the entered column by user

            for(var r=0;r<rn;r++)
                x=document.getElementById("myTable").insertRow(r); //insert row to the table
                for(var c=0;c<cn;c++)  
                   var y= x.insertCell(c); //insert cells to each row



 var x, rn, cn; function makegrid() // function called after submit button is clicked { rn = parseInt(document.getElementById("n1").value); //fetches the entered rows by user cn = parseInt(document.getElementById("n2").value); //fetches the entered column by user for (var r = 0; r < rn; r++) { x = document.getElementById("myTable").insertRow(r); //insert row to the table for (var c = 0; c < cn; c++) { var y = x.insertCell(c); //insert cells to each row } } } document.addEventListener('click', ({target}) => { if (target.tagName == "TD") { target.style.backgroundColor = "red"; } }); 
 Grid Height: <input id="n1" type="number" name="height" min="1" value="1"> Grid Width: <input id="n2" type="number" name="width" min="1" value="1"> <input type="submit" onclick="makegrid()"> <table width="100px" height="100px" id="myTable" border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse"> </table> 


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