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[英]Selecting the hive execution engine

在下面顯示的3個蜂巢執行引擎中,在Hadoop集群中工作時,更推薦使用其中一個。 什么是用例,當我們必須使用(理想選擇)時。


set hive.execution.engine=spark;
set hive.execution.engine=tez;
set hive.execution.engine=mr;


The benefits that Tez provides over MapReduce execution engine while using Hive are:
● Tez does not write data to the disk during the intermediary steps of a Hive query. Tez makes use of
Directed Acyclic Graphs and the data from an intermediary step is passed on to the next step in the
graph instead of being written to the disk like it is done when using the MapReduce engine.
Removal of these IO operations saves a lot of time when dealing with large amounts of data.
● Tez and YARN together enable you to use objects in a container across applications. If two
applications require the same object(say a data frame) and are running within the same container,
you need not create the same object, again and again, you can reuse it. This leads to better
management of resources and also helps improve the performance.





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