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[英]How can I loop this function so that the animation repeats infinitely?

我正在嘗試使此函數無限循環,但是通常的setInterval無法正常工作。 我需要循環完全重新開始,清除我首先猜測的功能嗎?

 let ascii = document.querySelector('.ascii').textContent; let asciiLetters = ascii.split(''); let displayLetters = document.querySelector("#text"); function animate() { asciiLetters.length > 0 ? displayLetters.innerHTML += asciiLetters.shift() : clearTimeout(moveType); let moveType = setTimeout(animate, 5); }; animate(); 
 body { background-color: black; } .container { color: lime; overflow: hidden; width: 100%; height: 100%; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; display: flex; align-items: center; align-content: center; justify-content: center; } .ascii { display: none; } 
  <div class="container"> <pre class="ascii ascii-0"> __ _ / /_ (_) / __ \\ / / / / / // / /_/ /_//_/ </pre> <pre id="text"></pre> </div> 



 let ascii = document.querySelector('.ascii').textContent; let asciiLetters = ascii.split('\\n'); let displayLetters = document.querySelector("#text"); function animate() { let html = displayLetters.innerHTML; const line = asciiLetters.shift(); asciiLetters.push(line); html = asciiLetters.slice(-5).join('\\n'); displayLetters.innerHTML = html; setTimeout(animate, 100); }; animate(); 
 body { background-color: black; } .container { color: lime; overflow: hidden; width: 100%; height: 100%; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; display: flex; align-items: center; align-content: center; justify-content: center; } .ascii { display: none; } 
  <div class="container"> <pre class="ascii ascii-0"> __ _ / /_ (_) / __ \\ / / / / / // / /_/ /_//_/ </pre> <pre id="text"></pre> </div> 

將您的代碼放入函數中,對它進行動畫處理后清除#text pre元素,並每X秒setInterval再次調用它。


 function start() { let displayLetters = document.querySelector("#text"); let ascii = document.querySelector('.ascii').textContent; let asciiLetters = ascii.split(''); function animate() { let moveType = setTimeout(animate, 5); asciiLetters.length > 0 ? displayLetters.innerHTML += asciiLetters.shift() : clearTimeout(moveType); }; animate(); document.querySelector("#text").innerHTML = ' '; } setInterval(start, 2000); // infinite loop with 2 seconds delay. 
 body { background-color: black; } .container { color: lime; overflow: hidden; width: 100%; height: 100%; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; display: flex; align-items: center; align-content: center; justify-content: center; } .ascii { display: none; } 
 <div class="container"> <pre class="ascii ascii-0"> __ _ / /_ (_) / __ \\ / / / / / // / /_/ /_//_/ </pre> <pre id="text"></pre> </div> 


JS Bin中的代碼

    let ascii = document.querySelector('.ascii').textContent;
let asciiLetters = ascii.split('');
let displayLetters = document.querySelector("#text");
let asciiLettersLength = asciiLetters.length;

let i =0;

let animate = function(){

if(asciiLetters.length > 0){ 

displayLetters.innerHTML += asciiLetters[i];
//start over set counter to 0, clean the screen
if(i === asciiLettersLength){
  displayLetters.innerHTML = "";

} else {

  let moveType = setTimeout(animate, 5);




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