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[英]updating react component state using this.setState isn't re-rendering the component


 class Mission extends React.Component { constructor() { super(); this.state = { missonContents: [this.missonContent[0]] }; } missonContent = [{ id: "approach", data: "Visit Farmers to review their self-sustenance ideas, provide counselling and suggest suitable options. Rather than one time donation, we support the farmers until they become self-sustain." }, { id: "plan", data: " Fund 90% for each Farmer's self sustenance Idea and request the Farmer to contribute 10% to create responsibility." }, { id: "goal", data: "Develop a working model to make Poor Farmers self-sustain. Involve in Policy advocation at District or State level that supports small farmers." } ]; /** This method gets called in the componentDidMount() */ animateMission() { /** some code here */ // updating the state not rerendering the component this.setState({ "missonContents": [this.missonContent[0], this.missonContent[1]] }); } render() { //console.log(this.state["missonContents"]); const missionCarousel = this.state["missonContents"].map((missionContent) => { // console.log(missionContent); return <b > < p id = { missionContent.id } className = "fontsize20" > { missionContent.data } < /p></b > }); return ( < div className = "col l12 m12 s12 margintop50 card" > { missionCarousel } < /div> ); } } 
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/16.6.0/umd/react.production.min.js"></script> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react-dom/16.6.0/umd/react-dom.production.min.js"></script> 


您的代碼中存在一些問題。 1)首先,在構造函數中綁定animateMission方法this.animateMission = this.animateMission.bind(this); 或使用箭頭功能。

2)您有一些拼寫錯誤。 this.setState({missonContents : [this.missonContent[0],this.missonContents[1]]}); // updating the state not rerendering the component



  • 更新:在您的代碼中看不到componentdidmount。 根據您的評論之一,我說您可以使用它,因此,如果您沒有componentdidmount並在其中調用animatedmission,它可能無法工作。 這也不是最好的解決方案


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