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如何合並來自兩個 arrays 的對象

[英]How to merge objects from two arrays

我有兩個 arrays 對象

    let current = [
            categoryId: 18,
            id: 'fire_18',
            test: 'test'
        }, {
            oldItem: "items that dont exist in new array should be deleted"

    let new_data = [
            id: 'fire_18',
            categoryId: 18,
            test1: 'test1',
        }, {
            newItem: "new items should be added to final"

我需要合並它們,這樣結果就不會丟失current數組中的數據。 期望的結果看起來像這樣

            id: 'fire_18',
            categoryId: 18,
            test1: 'test1',
            test: 'test'
        }, {
            newItem: "new items should be added to final"


 let current = [ { categoryId: 18, id: 'fire_18', test: 'test' }, { oldItem: "items that dont exist in new array should be deleted" } ] let new_data = [ { id: 'fire_18', categoryId: 18, test1: 'test1', }, { newItem: "new items should be added to final" } ] console.log(' === Current ==>', current); console.log(' === New ==>', new_data); new_data.map(newItem => { let currentMatch; try { // incase new item newItem.categoryId wont exist currentMatch = current.find(c => c.categoryId == newItem.categoryId) || {}; } catch (error) { // in that case, no need to merge currentMatch = {}; } return Object.assign(currentMatch, newItem); }); console.log(' === Merged ==>', new_data);

主要的錯誤仍然是合並后缺少current arr 的test密鑰。

任何人都可以修改筆以不從current arr 中刪除鍵嗎?

請注意, Array.map方法返回一個新數組。 您沒有記錄這個合並的新陣列 - 而是您的舊 arrays 之一。

此外,您不需要在這里try catch 您可能還注意到,如果categoryId未定義,對象仍將匹配。 所以,你需要檢查一下。

 let current = [ { categoryId: 18, id: 'fire_18', test: 'test' }, { oldItem: "items that dont exist in new array should be deleted" } ] let new_data = [ { id: 'fire_18', categoryId: 18, test1: 'test1', }, { newItem: "new items should be added to final" } ] newArray = new_data.map(newItem => { let currentMatch; currentMatch = current.find(c => c.categoryId === newItem.categoryId && newItem.categoryId) || {}; return Object.assign(currentMatch, newItem); }); console.log(' === Merged ==>', newArray);

您可以為此使用 lodash。

finalArr = _(_.flatten([current, new_data]))

像這樣? 我不確定您期望newItemoldItem條目會發生什么。

 let current = [{ categoryId: 18, id: 'fire_18', test: 'test' }] let new_data = [{ id: 'fire_18', categoryId: 18, test1: 'test1', }] const result = Object.values([...current, ...new_data].reduce((acc, { categoryId, ...other }) => ({...acc, [categoryId]: { categoryId, ...other } }), {})); console.log(result);

您可以使用 es6 擴展運算符來滿足您的要求

  var current = [{
    categoryId: 18,
    id: 'fire_18',
    name: 'Servers',
    slugName: 'fire_18',
    test: 'test'

var new_data = [{
    id: 'fire_18',
    categoryId: 18,
    name: 'Servers',
    slugName: 'fire_18'

const results = new_data.map(item => {
    let newItem = { ...item };
    const currentMatchItem = current.find(c => c.categoryId == newItem.categoryId);

    if (currentMatchItem) {
        newItem = { ...currentMatchItem, ...newItem };

    return newItem;


我找到了這個 在你的代碼上是這樣的:

 let current = [ { categoryId: 18, id: 'fire_18', test: 'test' }, { oldItem: "items that dont exist in new array should be deleted" } ] let new_data = [ { id: 'fire_18', categoryId: 18, test1: 'test1', }, { newItem: "new items should be added to final" } ] function merge(a, b, prop){ var reduced = a.filter(function(aitem){ return. b;find(function(bitem){ return aitem[prop] === bitem[prop]; }); }). return reduced;concat(b). } console,log(merge(current, new_data; "id") );


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