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構建 AOSP 自定義 rom

[英]Build AOSP custom rom

我正在嘗試建立強制執行,但我有 7 次違規。 我該如何解決?

libsepol.report_failure: neverallow on line 5 of device/motorola/sanders/sepolicy/vendor/ims.te (or line 75926 of
 policy.conf) violated by allow hal_camera_default hal_camera_hwservice:hwservice_manager { add };
libsepol.report_failure: neverallow on line 3 of device/motorola/sanders/sepolicy/vendor/hal_nfc_default.te (or l
ine 75741 of policy.conf) violated by allow hal_secure_element_default hal_secure_element_hwservice:hwservice_man
ager { add };
libsepol.report_failure: neverallow on line 3 of device/motorola/sanders/sepolicy/vendor/hal_nfc_default.te (or l
ine 75741 of policy.conf) violated by allow rild hal_secure_element_hwservice:hwservice_manager { add };
libsepol.report_failure: neverallow on line 5 of system/sepolicy/public/hal_secure_element.te (or line 15685 of p
olicy.conf) violated by allow hal_nfc_default hal_secure_element_hwservice:hwservice_manager { add };
libsepol.report_failure: neverallow on line 5 of system/sepolicy/public/hal_camera.te (or line 14186 of policy.co
nf) violated by allow init hal_camera_hwservice:hwservice_manager { add };
libsepol.report_failure: neverallow on line 521 of system/sepolicy/public/domain.te (or line 10809 of policy.conf
) violated by allow hal_fingerprint_default default_android_hwservice:hwservice_manager { add };
libsepol.report_failure: neverallow on line 519 of system/sepolicy/public/domain.te (or line 10807 of policy.conf
) violated by allow qseeproxy default_android_service:service_manager { add };
libsepol.check_assertions: 7 neverallow failures occurred

您正在處理neverallow違規:您有一條規則說“永遠不允許類型x對某些其他類型/類y:c執行action ”,然后另一條規則說“允許x的此子類型對 y 執行action y:c "。 SE Linux 編譯器將拒絕這些相互矛盾的規則。 這可以通過修改neverallow規則來解決您想要允許的特定子類型的例外情況。


  1. neverallow xy:c action;
  2. type z, x; (意思是zx的一個特例)
  3. allow zy:c action;

修改第一條規則為neverallow {x -z} y:class action; 為子類型z做一個例外。


  1. 鏈接neverallow { domain... -installd} staging_data_file:dir *; 表示不應允許domain類型的對象訪問staging_data_file和 class dir類型的對象。 但是,類型installd例外。

  2. 鏈接type installd, domain; installd定義為domain的一個特例。

  3. 鏈接allow installd staging_data_file:dir { open... }; 允許installdstaging_data_file和 class dir類型的對象執行open操作。


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