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使用 JavaScript 從 HTML 元素中檢索多個值?

[英]Using JavaScript to retrieve more than one value from HTML element?

我有一個 PHP 腳本,其中我需要將三個值傳遞給 select 框的值,例如:

echo  '<option value="' . $city . "," . $row['start_date'] . "," . $row['end_date'] . '">' . $row['start_date'] . " - " . $row['end_date'] . '</option>';

在 HTML 中看起來像這樣:

<option value="la,10/19/2019,10/20/2019">10/19/2019 - 10/20/2019</option>

所以我需要從值中接收城市、開始日期和結束日期。 如何使用 JavaScript 從該框中獲取所有三個值並將它們分成各自的唯一變量?


您可以通過使用以下方式查詢 dom 來獲取值:

const value = document.querySelector('option').value;


const optionValues = value.split(',');
const city = optionValues[0];
const startDate = optionValues[1];
const endDate = optionValues[2];


const Sel = document.getElementById("city");
const val = Sel.options[e.selectedIndex].value;
const.pts = val.split(',');


您可以使用split function 並將其拆分為,

const arr = val.split(",");

假設您的select元素的 id 為“myselect”:

 const selectElement = document.getElementById('myselect') const selectedValue = selectElement[selectElement.selectedIndex].value const parsed = selectedValue.split(',') const city = parsed[0] const startDate = parsed[1] const endDate = parsed[2] // same as following code: const [city, startDate, endDate] = selectedValue.split(',')


您似乎正在使用PHP模板化視圖呈現html <form>

我假設您想以編程方式在客戶端使用Ecmascript 6 (又名 JavaScript)來操作您的entities

您可以構建一個Entity class ,並使用您的<select>在任何地方更新它,例如,這是您需要了解的所有周期:

 class Entity { constructor(city, startDate, endDate) { this.city = city; this.startDate = new Date(startDate); this.endDate = new Date(endDate); } toString() { return `In ${this.city} between ${this.startDate} and ${this.endDate}`; } } function bindEvents() { const form = document.querySelector('form[name="example"]'); form.addEventListener('submit', onSubmit, true); form.picker.addEventListener('change', onChangePicker, true); } function onChangePicker(e) { const [city, startDate, endDate] = e.target.value.split(','); const entity = new Entity(city, startDate, endDate); updateResult(entity); } function updateResult(description) { document.querySelector('form[name="example"] span[name="result"]').innerHTML = description; } // imagine you want to submit async function onSubmit(e) { e.preventDefault(); const select = document.querySelector('select[name="picker"]') const [city, startDate, endDate] = select[select.selectedIndex].value.split(','); const entity = new Entity(city, startDate, endDate); entity.updateDate = new Date().toISOString(); const response = await fetch('https://httpbin.org/post', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify(entity), }); // this is an example and totally depend on your server const content = await response.json(); console.log(content.data); } window.onload = bindEvents;
 span[name="result"] { color: #652484; } label { display: block; }
 <form name="example"> <label for="picker">Selected value: <span name="result"></span></label> <select name="picker"> <option value="Los Angeles,10/19/2019,10/20/2019">10/19/2019 - 10/20/2019</option> <option value="New York,11/19/2019,11/20/2019">11/19/2019 - 11/20/2019</option> <option value="Chicago,12/19/2019,12/20/2019">12/19/2019 - 12/20/2019</option> </select> <div> <button name="submit">Submit</button> </div> </form>

這適用於現代瀏覽器( ChromeSafariIE11Firefox )。


[city,from,to]= document.querySelector('option').value.split(',');

在實際情況下,您當然會從 select 元素中獲取值,而不是從其中包含的選項中獲取值。


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