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Mockito mocking 作廢方法

[英]Mockito mocking the void methods

我正在使用 Mokito 進行測試,我有以下場景。 我正在嘗試測試此代碼

public CartResponse processDeleteCartEntry(UUID cartId, Integer rowKey, JsonMessages messages)
        throws UnexpectedException {

    Cart cart = cartService.getById(cartId);

    CartResponse cartResponse = null;

    if (cart != null) {
        cartService.removeItem(cart, rowKey, messages);

        cartResponse = buildCartResponse(cart);
    return cartResponse;

cartService.removeItem(cart, rowKey, messages); 不返回任何東西(無效) ,這是我的測試用例

public void testRemoveCartItem() throws UnexpectedException {
    Cart cart = getCart();


    CartResponse cartResponse = mobileAppCartHandler.processDeleteCartEntry(cart.getId(), 0, new JsonMessages());

    assertEquals(ResponseStatus.OK, cartResponse.getStatus());
    assertEquals(1, cartResponse.getEntries().size());


我不想進行實際調用來刪除一個項目,但同時它應該刪除該項目以便我可以斷言它。 我的購物車有 2 件物品,移除后應該是一件。 我應該使用when條件嗎?

對於 void 方法,您需要先存根操作。

Mockito.doAnswer(invocation -> {
  // grab args and remove from cart
.when(cartService)  // mocked cartService
.removeItem(cart, rowKey, messages);  // You can use argumentMatchers here

對於無效 function 使用doAnswer

public void testRemoveCartItem() throws UnexpectedException {
    Cart cart = getCart();
    int rowKey = 0;
    JsonMessages messages = new JsonMessages()();


    doAnswer(new Answer<Void>() {
        public void answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
            //get the arguments passed to mock
            Object[] args = invocation.getArguments();

            //get the mock 
            Object mock = invocation.getMock(); 

            Cart c = (Cart)args[0];
            int row = (int)(Integer)args[1];

            c.removeItem(row); //Just an assumption here

            return null;
    .when(cartService).removeItem(cart, rowKey, messages);

    CartResponse cartResponse = mobileAppCartHandler.processDeleteCartEntry(cart.getId(), rowKey, messages);

    assertEquals(ResponseStatus.OK, cartResponse.getStatus());
    assertEquals(1, cartResponse.getEntries().size());



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