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[英]Can't have a regular property and computed property keys in the same interface

TypeScript 版本:3.6.4

在我的 state 中,我想在接口內同時擁有計算屬性和常規屬性鍵,但 TypeScript 無法解析它。 在存儲庫上創建 GitHub 問題之前,我只是想確保我沒有做錯什么並浪費開發人員的時間。

type Stat = 'hp' | 'attack' | 'defense' | 'speed';

interface State {
    [x in Stat]: number;
    type: string

我認為這會起作用,但隨后 TypeScript 突出顯示type並說'}' expected. ts(1005) '}' expected. ts(1005) 如果我將type放在頂部,它會突出顯示[x in Stat]並說A computed property name must be of type 'string', 'number', 'symbol', or 'any'. ts(2464) A computed property name must be of type 'string', 'number', 'symbol', or 'any'. ts(2464) & 'Stat' only refers to a type, but is being used as a value here.ts(2693) 如果我注釋掉這兩行之一,TypeScript 完全可以接受。




/** Refefernce interface */
interface IStat {
  attack: unknown;
  defense: unknown;
  hp: unknown;
  speed: unknown;

/** (optional) `keyof` reference interface */
type Stat = keyof IStat

/** Mapped IStat properties intersected with `type` */
type State = {
  [K in keyof IStat]?: number; // change `number` with IStat[K] if you want the types from IStat;
} & { type: string; };

這是一個Typescript Playground供您進一步試驗這種方法。


type Stat = 'hp' | 'attack' | 'defense' | 'speed';

type State = Record <Stat, number> & {
  type: string;

const s: State = {
  hp: 100,
  attack: 12,
  defense: 12,
  speed: 3,
  type: "myType"


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