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Newbee to soap, I want to request to soap api, do i need to create soap client using php

[英]Newbee to soap , I want to request to soap api, do i need to create soap client using php

請幫助我使用PHP創建 soap 請求。 我必須獲取庫存和產品詳細信息。 使用 soap API。

無需創建 soap 客戶端,您可以輕松創建 xml 表單並發送請求

function SendRequest($url,$data){
    global $curl; //initiate curl
    $xml = new DOMDocument( '1.0', 'UTF-8');
    foreach($data As $key=>$value){
        ${$key} = $xml->createElement($key,$value);
    $xml = $xml->saveXML();
    $post = $curl->post($url,$xml); //you can change post, get depending on your request type
    return $post;


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