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運行時如何從代碼中刪除 \n,

[英]How do I remove the \n from my code when I run it,

我已經為我一直在做的一個更大的測驗制作了一個排行榜。 我編寫了打開文本文件的代碼,並在運行時執行"\n"以在不同的行上打印該文本文件中的內容。 但是,在運行時,它不僅會顯示應有的名稱和分數,還會顯示應隱藏的換行符\n 我該如何解決? 這段代碼是我遇到問題的地方:

    if score == 3:
        print("You have reached the maximum amount of points and have reached the top of the current leaderboard, congrats.")

        leaderboard = open ("leaderboard.txt","r")

        write_in_file(leaderboard, score, username)

        topscores = leaderboard.readlines()




print(topscores, end="\n")

正如 MohitC 建議的那樣,您可以使用列表理解。 在您發布的代碼中,您打開了文件,但沒有關閉它。 我建議你關閉它,或者更好的是,將來使用這個語法:

with open("myfile", "mode") as file:
    # operations to do.

當您離開 scope 時,該文件會自動關閉。

因此,使用這 2 個建議,您可以使用以下代碼:

if score == 3:
    print("You have reached the maximum amount of points and have reached the top of the current leaderboard, congrats.")

    with open("leaderbord.txt", "w+") as leaderbord:
        write_in_file(leaderboard, score, username)
        topscores = leaderboard.readlines()

    # we're out of the with open(... scope, the file is automatically closed
    topscores = [i.strip() for i in topscores] # @MohitC 's suggestion


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