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當要測試的 function 需要用戶輸入時,如何制作驅動程序 function?

[英]How do I make a driver function when the function to be tested requires user input?

我正在為我的大學介紹 cs class 做一個項目,我們必須編寫一個“賭場”之類的代碼。 One of the requirements is that the user can select a "test case" function, that, when selected, tests all of our functions. 問題是,我如何測試運行需要大量用戶輸入並使用大量隨機數的函數?

我試過研究如何讓計算機輸入而不是用戶輸入,但我還沒有找到任何結論性的東西。 另外,在提供答案時,請記住這是一個介紹性的 class,因此我的代碼既不干凈也不高效,但這是我學到的。


void highLowGame(int &currentBalance)
  int betAmount;
  int baseNum;
  int secondNum;
  char hOrL;
  char continueYOrN;

    cout << "Your current balance is $" << currentBalance << "\nHow much would you like to bet?\n";
    cin >> betAmount;

    betAmount = correctIntInput(betAmount);
    betAmount = validBet(currentBalance, betAmount);
    baseNum = randomWithMax(9) + 1;

    cout << "The first number is " << baseNum << "\nDo you bet (h)igh, or (l)ow?\n";
    cin >> hOrL;
    hOrL = correctCharInput(hOrL);

    while (!(hOrL == 'l' || hOrL == 'L' || hOrL == 'h' || hOrL == 'H'))
      cout << "Invalid input, please enter 'H' or 'L'\n";
      cin >> hOrL;

    secondNum = randomWithMax(9) + 1;
    cout << "The second number is " << secondNum << "\n";

    if ((((hOrL == 'l') || (hOrL == 'L')) && (secondNum < baseNum)) || (((hOrL == 'h') || (hOrL == 'H')) && (secondNum > baseNum)))
      cout << "Congratulations, you won your bet!\n";
      updateBalance(currentBalance, 1, betAmount, true);
      cout << "Your new balance is " << currentBalance << "\n";
      cout << "Looks like you lost your bet!\n";
      updateBalance(currentBalance, 1, betAmount, false);
      cout << "Your new balance is " << currentBalance << "\n";

    if (currentBalance <= 0)
      cout << "Uh oh, you are bankrupt!\n";

    cout << "Would you like to play again?\n";
    cin >> continueYOrN;
    continueYOrN = correctCharInput(continueYOrN);

    while (continueYOrN != 'n' && continueYOrN != 'N' && continueYOrN != 'y' && continueYOrN != 'Y')
      cout << "Invalid input, please enter a new input:\n";
      cin >> continueYOrN;
      continueYOrN = correctCharInput(continueYOrN);
    cout << "\n\n\n\n";
  }while(!(continueYOrN == 'n' || continueYOrN == 'N'));

教授給出的示例“測試”,它測試了一個名為 updateBalance() 的 function,它只執行通過/失敗條件中列出的功能:

void test()
  int sampleBalance = 100;
  int sampleBet = 50;
  int samplePayout = 5;
  bool sampleWin = true;

  cout << "Testing updateBalance() win...";
  updateBalance(sampleBalance, sampleBet, samplePayout, sampleWin);
  if (sampleBalance == sampleBalance + samplePayout * sampleBet)
    cout << "Pass!\n";
    cout << "Fail!\n";

抱歉,highLow 游戲的大代碼塊,我不確定我應該拉出哪些部分,如果有的話。 我什至不知道 output 會發生什么(通過/失敗除外),因為我什至不知道該怎么做教授的要求。 同樣,我對此很陌生,所以我的代碼可能很臟或效率低下,而且我很好,我只需要有關如何完成我的任務的幫助。 提前致謝!

您會注意到教授示例 function 不需要用戶輸入,也沒有隨機元素。

如果我要為此編寫測試,我會將我的方法分解為更小的方法。 然后我會測試沒有用戶輸入和隨機元素的方法。

我注意到您有方法correctIntInput(betAmount) 這看起來是一個很好的測試候選者。 編寫一些測試以傳遞已知的好值和壞值,然后驗證它是否給你預期的結果不好。 validBet(...)updateBalance(...)相同。

這段代碼也可以放入它自己的 function 中並進行測試。

if ((((hOrL == 'l') || (hOrL == 'L')) && (secondNum < baseNum)) || (((hOrL == 'h') || (hOrL == 'H')) && (secondNum > baseNum)))
  cout << "Congratulations, you won your bet!\n";
  updateBalance(currentBalance, 1, betAmount, true);
  cout << "Your new balance is " << currentBalance << "\n";
  cout << "Looks like you lost your bet!\n";
  updateBalance(currentBalance, 1, betAmount, false);
  cout << "Your new balance is " << currentBalance << "\n";

隨着你做這種類型的事情更多,你會更好地了解如何分解你的代碼,什么類型的代碼容易測試,什么類型的代碼難。 最終,您將到達一個難以測試的東西只是代碼庫的一小部分的地方,並且它的 rest 已被測試覆蓋。


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