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使用 ResearchKit 以編程方式呈現 ORKTaskViewController

[英]present ORKTaskViewController programmatically using ResearchKit

我從 GitHub 下載了最新版本的 ResearchKit ,並將該框架嵌入到我的項目中。

使用ResearchKit 上的 Ray Wenderlich 教程,我創建了一個調查任務:

import ResearchKit

public var SurveyTask: ORKOrderedTask {

    var steps = [ORKStep]()

    let instructionStep = ORKInstructionStep(identifier: "IntroStep")
    instructionStep.title = "The Questions Three"
    instructionStep.text = "Who would cross the Bridge of Death must answer me these questions three, ere the other side they see."
    steps += [instructionStep]

    let nameAnswerFormat = ORKTextAnswerFormat(maximumLength: 20)
    nameAnswerFormat.multipleLines = false
    let nameQuestionStepTitle = "What is your name?"
    let nameQuestionStep = ORKQuestionStep(identifier: "QuestionStep", title: nameQuestionStepTitle, question: "Hello?", answer: nameAnswerFormat)
    steps += [nameQuestionStep]

    let questQuestionStepTitle = "What is your quest?"
    let textChoices = [
      ORKTextChoice(text: "Create a ResearchKit App", value: 0 as NSNumber),
      ORKTextChoice(text: "Seek the Holy Grail", value: 1 as NSNumber),
      ORKTextChoice(text: "Find a shrubbery", value: 2 as NSNumber)
    let questAnswerFormat: ORKTextChoiceAnswerFormat = ORKAnswerFormat.choiceAnswerFormat(with: .singleChoice, textChoices: textChoices)
    let questQuestionStep = ORKQuestionStep(identifier: "TextChoiceQuestionStep", title: questQuestionStepTitle, question: "Hello?", answer: questAnswerFormat)
    steps += [questQuestionStep]

    let summaryStep = ORKCompletionStep(identifier: "SummaryStep")
    summaryStep.title = "Right. Off you go!"
    summaryStep.text = "That was easy!"
    steps += [summaryStep]

    return ORKOrderedTask(identifier: "SurveyTask", steps: steps)

我的 ViewController 中的委托設置如下:

extension ViewController: ORKTaskViewControllerDelegate {

    func taskViewController(_ taskViewController: ORKTaskViewController, didFinishWith reason: ORKTaskViewControllerFinishReason, error: Error?) {
        taskViewController.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)


然后在那個 ViewController 中,我嘗試展示ORKTaskViewController

@objc func showSurvey() {
    let taskViewController = ORKTaskViewController(task: SurveyTask, taskRun: nil)
    taskViewController.delegate = self
    self.present(taskViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)

我不斷收到libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException ,我不太清楚為什么。 我沒有使用故事板,但我不明白為什么沒有 storyboard 就無法使用 ResearchKit。 我試圖搜索它的無情節提要實現,但我能找到的最接近的是仍然使用 storyboard。 任何幫助,將不勝感激。



_appTintColor = [[UIApplication sharedApplication].delegate window].tintColor;

did not work and I'm assuming this is because SceneDelegate.swift was introduced in iOS 13, which is where I'm programmatically setting the window and root view controller (as opposed to doing it in AppDelegate).


if (@available(iOS 13.0, *)) {
    _appTintColor = [self window] .tintColor;
    // not sure if it's this or [[self window].windowScene windows].firstObject .tintColor;
} else {
    _appTintColor = [[UIApplication sharedApplication].delegate window].tintColor;

那么它應該可以工作。 我不熟悉 Obj-c,但我試圖獲得實例化新視圖 controller 的視圖的 window,它似乎可以工作(隨意編輯)。


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