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舊版 web 應用程序(非 spring 啟動應用程序)中的運行狀況檢查 [暫停]

[英]Health check in legacy web application (non spring boot application) [on hold]

  • 我想對舊的遺留項目( web mvc,在外部 tomcat 服務器上運行 - 沒有 spring 引導)實施良好的健康檢查。
  • 是否可以在不將我的項目轉換為 spring 引導的情況下使用運行狀況檢查功能,如博客中所述: https://dzone.com/articles/magic-with-spring-boot-actuator

任何提示將不勝感激。 謝謝

What I use to monitor legacy web application and have a health check without modifying the app are a set of tools, like java melody and psi probe, java melody is a library that you have to add to the app and configured in the web.xml文件https://github.com/javamelody/javamelody/wiki ,psi 探針是部署在應用程序容器上的戰爭,例如 tomcat Z5E056C500A1C4B6A7110B50D807BADE /psi-Zprobe5/psi-probe.com For alerts and automated real time check I use nagios or zabbix https://www.zabbix.com https://www.nagios.com/products/nagios-core/ both are capable to send requests to the web server and parse the結果並通過 email 發送警報。 You can also enable jmx on tomcat to monitor the tomcat itself, like Heap Memory, Threads, CPU Usage, Classes, etc ( https://geekflare.com/enable-jmx-tomcat-to-monitor-administer/ ), and ask對於來自 zabbix 的那些值。


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