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使用 VBA Excel 進行高級搜索

[英]Advanced search using VBA Excel

我有一個數據列表(20,000 多種產品),根據產品的狀況有不同的定價,用戶需要能夠快速查找某些等級的產品定價,我目前的挑戰是使用 vlookup 的失敗,因為用戶經常會只是關鍵字搜索,並沒有確切的描述。 我想使用 vlookup 保留現有查找,因為當用戶具有確切的產品標題但想要在他們只有關鍵字時添加高級搜索時,這將保持快速搜索(我已經嘗試過數據驗證可搜索列表,但它們是緩慢且不可靠)



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Private Sub cmdsearch_click()

Dim Rownum As Long
Dim Searchrow As Long

Rownum = 2
Searchrow = 2

Worksheets("Stock Data").Activate

Do Until Cells(Rownum, 1).Value = ""
If InStr(1, Cells(Rownum, 1).Value, txtkeywords.Value, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
   Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(Searchrow, 1).Value = Cells(rownnum, 1).Value
   Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(Searchrow, 2).Value = Cells(rownnum, 2).Value
   Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(Searchrow, 3).Value = Cells(rownnum, 3).Value
   Searchrow = Searchrow + 1
End If
Rownum = Rownum + 1


If Searchrow = 2 Then
MsgBox "Sorry No products found, please request a price"
End If

Lstsearchresults.RowSource = "SearchResults"

End Sub


Private Sub cmdsearch_click()

Dim rowResult As Long
Dim strSearch As String

rowResult = 2
strSearch = txtkeywords.Value

Dim rowLast As Long
rowLast = Worksheets("Stock Data").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

Dim rngFound As Range
Dim firstAdress As String

With Worksheets("Stock Data").Range("A1:A" & rowLast)
    Set rngFound = .Find(strSearch, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart, MatchCase:=False)
    If Not rngFound Is Nothing Then

        firstAddress = rngFound.Address
            Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(rowResult , 1).Value2 = rngFound.Value2
            Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(rowResult , 2).Value2 = rngFound.Offset(0, 1).Value2
            Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(rowResult , 3).Value2 = rngFound.Offset(0, 2).Value2
            rowResult = rowResult + 1

            Set rngFound = .FindNext
        Loop While rngFound.Address <> firstAdress

        MsgBox "Sorry No products found, please request a price"
    End If
End With

Lstsearchresults.RowSource = "SearchResults"

End Sub

一種更快的方法是將所有內容存儲在一個數組中並循環遍歷它。 然而,當我開始時,我發現使用較少抽象的方法和逐步學習更容易。


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