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在文本文件中查找字符串,讀取注冊並寫入 excel,使用 vba

[英]Find a string into a text file, read a registration and write in a excel, using vba

在一個文件夾中,我有很多文本文件,擴展名為“date.log”。 每個文件都包含來自各種來源的信息,這些信息由 ID 標識。 這些文件實際上是 csv 文件,帶有“|” 分隔符(豎線/豎線) 我想在每個文件中找到特定 ID 的注冊並將特定行上傳到 excel,(從每個文件中指定行)。 我怎么能用 vba 做到這一點。 文件的格式為:yyyy-mm-dd.log ID 的格式為“PMnnnn”(其中 n 是數字)在每個文件中,ID 可以出現大約 3 次 ID 不在行/注冊的開頭,但是一旦找到注冊,整行必須寫在excel表中。 請為此目的幫助我提供代碼。 感謝所有提出想法的人。

Sub SearchTextFile()
    Dim strFileName As String
    Dim strSearch As String
    Dim StartDate As Date
    Dim EndDate As Date
    Dim Result() As String
    Dim WordCount As Integer
    Dim strLine As String
    Dim f As Integer
    Dim lngLine As Long
    Dim myPath As String
    f = FreeFile

  StartDate = Range("N1")
  EndDate = Range("N2")
  strSearch = Range("H1")
  i = 1

endrow = Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row + 1
Range("A6:AE" & endrow).ClearContents
myPath = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path

For Datafile = EndDate To StartDate Step -1 ' last day in first row

    Datafile = Format(Datafile, "dd.mm.yyyy")
    Zi = Format(Day(Datafile), "0#")
    Luna = Format(Month(Datafile), "0#")
    An = Year(Datafile)
    filename = "Cnx" & An & "-" & Luna & "-" & Zi & ".log"

    strFileName = myPath & "\" & filename

    nr_linii = readnrline(strFileName)

  Open strFileName For Input As #f

    For lngLine = 1 To nr_linii

        Line Input #f, strLine
        If InStr(1, strLine, strSearch, vbBinaryCompare) > 0 Then
            Cells(5 + i, 1) = lngLine
            Result() = Split(strLine, "|")
            WordCount = UBound(Result())
             For j = 2 To WordCount
              Cells(5 + i, j) = Result(j)
             Next j
            i = i + 1
        End If
    Next lngLine

  Close #f

Next Datafile

End Sub

Function readnrline(filename As String) As Integer
  Open filename For Input As #1
    Do While Not EOF(1)
     Line Input #1, sLineOfText
     readnrline = readnrline + 1
End Function


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