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如何從 Google Apps 腳本中的壓縮 blob 中恢復 JSON 字符串?

[英]How to restore a JSON string from a compressed blob in Google Apps Script?

我需要將大型 json 存儲到電子表格的單元格中。 由於有 50k 個字符的限制,我想壓縮 json 字符串。 我設法將壓縮的 blob 存儲為 base64 編碼字符串,但我無法將其恢復為原始 json。 當調用 readLargeJson function 時,我收到以下錯誤:“Blob object 必須具有此操作的非空內容類型”。

下面的 insertLargeJson function 似乎工作正常。

我也嘗試在沒有 base64 編碼的情況下進行存儲,但沒有幫助。

function insertLargeJson()
    var obj = {};
    obj["dummy"] = [];

    // Just to make the json huge
    for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++)

    var activeSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();

    var str = JSON.stringify(obj);

    var blob = Utilities.newBlob(str, 'application/octet-stream');
    var compressedBlob = Utilities.zip([blob]);

    var encoded = Utilities.base64Encode(compressedBlob.getDataAsString());

    activeSheet.getRange(1, 1).setValue(encoded);


function readLargeJson()
    var activeSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();

    var values = activeSheet.getSheetValues(1, 1, 1, 1);

    var value = values[0, 0];

    var decoded = Utilities.base64Decode(value);

    var blob = Utilities.newBlob(decoded);

    var unzipped = Utilities.unzip(blob);

    var obj = JSON.parse(unzipped.getDataAsString());

    Browser.msgBox('Test Json array size', "" + obj["dummy"].length, Browser.Buttons.OK);

我不一定需要使用 blob 接口來壓縮 json,任何可以壓縮 json 字符串並且可以存儲在單元格中以便以后檢索原始 Z466DEEC76ECDF5FCA6D38571F6324 的解決方案都可以工作。


在您的代碼中,您必須使用compressedBlob.getBytes() 對未壓縮的Blob.getDataAsString() 的數據進行編碼。 要在讀取 function 中創建 blob,您必須在輸入中使用字節。

然后在您讀取的 function 中,解壓縮返回一個數組,在獲取數據之前,您必須使用 getAs() function。 所以你必須 unzipped[0].getAs('application/octet-stream').getDataAsString() 而不是 unzipped.getDataAsString()

我制作了一個 function 以簡化測試,因此您只需根據需要將其拆分即可。

function insertReadLargeJson(){
  var obj = {};
  obj["dummy"] = [];

  // Just to make the json huge
  for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
  //    Logger.log(obj)

  var activeSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();

  var str = JSON.stringify(obj);

  var blob = Utilities.newBlob(str, 'application/octet-stream');
  var compressedBlob = Utilities.zip([blob]);

  var encoded = Utilities.base64Encode(compressedBlob.getBytes());

  activeSheet.getRange(1, 1).setValue(encoded);

  var decoded = Utilities.base64Decode(encoded);

  var blob = Utilities.newBlob(decoded,'application/zip');

  var unzipped = Utilities.unzip(blob);

  var obj = JSON.parse(unzipped[0].getAs('application/octet-stream').getDataAsString());
  //    Logger.log(JSON.stringify(obj))
  //    Logger.log('Test Json array size', "" + obj["dummy"].length)


我將代碼轉換為 Apps Script 可讀:


var TOKEN_TRUE = -1;
var TOKEN_FALSE = -2;
var TOKEN_NULL = -3;

function pack(json, options) {
  // Canonizes the options
  options = options || {};
  // A shorthand for debugging
  var verbose = options.verbose || false;
  verbose && console.log('Normalize the JSON Object');
  // JSON as Javascript Object (Not string representation)
  json = typeof json === 'string' ? this.JSON.parse(json) : json;
  verbose && console.log('Creating a empty dictionary');
  // The dictionary
  var dictionary = {
    strings : [],
    integers : [],
    floats : []
  verbose && console.log('Creating the AST');
  // The AST
  var ast = (function recursiveAstBuilder(item) {
    verbose && console.log('Calling recursiveAstBuilder with ' + this.JSON.stringify(item));
    // The type of the item
    var type = typeof item;
    // Case 7: The item is null
    if (item === null) {
      return {
        type : 'null',
        index : TOKEN_NULL
    //add undefined 
    if (typeof item === 'undefined') {
      return {
        type : 'undefined',
        index : TOKEN_UNDEFINED
    // Case 1: The item is Array Object
    if ( item instanceof Array) {
      // Create a new sub-AST of type Array (@)
      var ast = ['@'];
      // Add each items
      for (var i in item) {
        if (!item.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue;
      // And return
      return ast;
    // Case 2: The item is Object
    if (type === 'object') {
      // Create a new sub-AST of type Object ($)
      var ast = ['$'];
      // Add each items
      for (var key in item) {
        if (!item.hasOwnProperty(key))
      // And return
      return ast;
    // Case 3: The item empty string
    if (item === '') {
      return {
        type : 'empty',
        index : TOKEN_EMPTY_STRING
    // Case 4: The item is String
    if (type === 'string') {
      // The index of that word in the dictionary
      var index = indexOf.call(dictionary.strings, item);
      // If not, add to the dictionary and actualize the index
      if (index == -1) {
        index = dictionary.strings.length - 1;
      // Return the token
      return {
        type : 'strings',
        index : index
    // Case 5: The item is integer
    if (type === 'number' && item % 1 === 0) {
      // The index of that number in the dictionary
      var index = indexOf.call(dictionary.integers, item);
      // If not, add to the dictionary and actualize the index
      if (index == -1) {
        index = dictionary.integers.length - 1;
      // Return the token
      return {
        type : 'integers',
        index : index
    // Case 6: The item is float
    if (type === 'number') {
      // The index of that number in the dictionary
      var index = indexOf.call(dictionary.floats, item);
      // If not, add to the dictionary and actualize the index
      if (index == -1) {
        // Float not use base 36
        index = dictionary.floats.length - 1;
      // Return the token
      return {
        type : 'floats',
        index : index
    // Case 7: The item is boolean
    if (type === 'boolean') {
      return {
        type : 'boolean',
        index : item ? TOKEN_TRUE : TOKEN_FALSE
    // Default
    throw new Error('Unexpected argument of type ' + typeof (item));
  // A set of shorthands proxies for the length of the dictionaries
  var stringLength = dictionary.strings.length;
  var integerLength = dictionary.integers.length;
  var floatLength = dictionary.floats.length;
  verbose && console.log('Parsing the dictionary');
  // Create a raw dictionary
  var packed = dictionary.strings.join('|');
  packed += '^' + dictionary.integers.join('|');
  packed += '^' + dictionary.floats.join('|');
  verbose && console.log('Parsing the structure');
  // And add the structure
  packed += '^' + (function recursiveParser(item) {
    verbose && console.log('Calling a recursiveParser with ' + this.JSON.stringify(item));
    // If the item is Array, then is a object of
    // type [object Object] or [object Array]
    if ( item instanceof Array) {
      // The packed resulting
      var packed = item.shift();
      for (var i in item) {
        if (!item.hasOwnProperty(i)) 
        packed += recursiveParser(item[i]) + '|';
      return (packed[packed.length - 1] === '|' ? packed.slice(0, -1) : packed) + ']';
    // A shorthand proxies
    var type = item.type, index = item.index;
    if (type === 'strings') {
      // Just return the base 36 of index
      return base10To36(index);
    if (type === 'integers') {
      // Return a base 36 of index plus stringLength offset
      return base10To36(stringLength + index);
    if (type === 'floats') {
      // Return a base 36 of index plus stringLength and integerLength offset
      return base10To36(stringLength + integerLength + index);
    if (type === 'boolean') {
      return item.index;
    if (type === 'null') {
      return TOKEN_NULL;
    if (type === 'undefined') {
      return TOKEN_UNDEFINED;
    if (type === 'empty') {
      return TOKEN_EMPTY_STRING;
    throw new TypeError('The item is alien!');
  verbose && console.log('Ending parser');
  // If debug, return a internal representation of dictionary and stuff
  if (options.debug)
    return {
      dictionary : dictionary,
      ast : ast,
      packed : packed
  return packed;

function unpack(packed, options) {
  // Canonizes the options
  options = options || {};
  // A raw buffer
  var rawBuffers = packed.split('^');
  // Create a dictionary
  options.verbose && console.log('Building dictionary');
  var dictionary = [];
  // Add the strings values
  var buffer = rawBuffers[0];
  if (buffer !== '') {
    buffer = buffer.split('|');
    options.verbose && console.log('Parse the strings dictionary');
    for (var i=0, n=buffer.length; i<n; i++){
  // Add the integers values
  buffer = rawBuffers[1];
  if (buffer !== '') {
    buffer = buffer.split('|');
    options.verbose && console.log('Parse the integers dictionary');
    for (var i=0, n=buffer.length; i<n; i++){
  // Add the floats values
  buffer = rawBuffers[2];
  if (buffer !== '') {
    buffer = buffer.split('|')
    options.verbose && console.log('Parse the floats dictionary');
    for (var i=0, n=buffer.length; i<n; i++){
  // Free memory
  buffer = null;
  options.verbose && console.log('Tokenizing the structure');
  // Tokenizer the structure
  var number36 = '';
  var tokens = [];
  var len=rawBuffers[3].length;
  for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    var symbol = rawBuffers[3].charAt(i);
    if (symbol === '|' || symbol === '$' || symbol === '@' || symbol === ']') {
      if (number36) {
        number36 = '';
      symbol !== '|' && tokens.push(symbol);
    } else {
      number36 += symbol;
  // A shorthand proxy for tokens.length
  var tokensLength = tokens.length;
  // The index of the next token to read
  var tokensIndex = 0;
  options.verbose && console.log('Starting recursive parser');
  return (function recursiveUnpackerParser() {
    // Maybe '$' (object) or '@' (array)
    var type = tokens[tokensIndex++];
    options.verbose && console.log('Reading collection type ' + (type === '$' ? 'object' : 'Array'));
    // Parse an array
    if (type === '@') {
      var node = [];
      for (; tokensIndex < tokensLength; tokensIndex++) {
        var value = tokens[tokensIndex];
        options.verbose && console.log('Read ' + value + ' symbol');
        if (value === ']')
          return node;
        if (value === '@' || value === '$') {
        } else {
          switch(value) {
            case TOKEN_TRUE:
            case TOKEN_FALSE:
            case TOKEN_NULL:
            case TOKEN_UNDEFINED:
            case TOKEN_EMPTY_STRING:
      options.verbose && console.log('Parsed ' + this.JSON.stringify(node));
      return node;
    // Parse a object
    if (type === '$') {
      var node = {};
      for (; tokensIndex < tokensLength; tokensIndex++) {
        var key = tokens[tokensIndex];
        if (key === ']')
          return node;
        if (key === TOKEN_EMPTY_STRING)
          key = '';
          key = dictionary[key];
        var value = tokens[++tokensIndex];
        if (value === '@' || value === '$') {
          node[key] = recursiveUnpackerParser();
        } else {
          switch(value) {
            case TOKEN_TRUE:
              node[key] = true;
            case TOKEN_FALSE:
              node[key] = false;
            case TOKEN_NULL:
              node[key] = null;
            case TOKEN_UNDEFINED:
              node[key] = undefined;
            case TOKEN_EMPTY_STRING:
              node[key] = '';
              node[key] = dictionary[value];
      options.verbose && console.log('Parsed ' + this.JSON.stringify(node));
      return node;
    throw new TypeError('Bad token ' + type + ' isn\'t a type');

function indexOfDictionary (dictionary, value) {
  // The type of the value
  var type = typeof value;
  // If is boolean, return a boolean token
  if (type === 'boolean')
    return value ? TOKEN_TRUE : TOKEN_FALSE;
  // If is null, return a... yes! the null token
  if (value === null)
    return TOKEN_NULL;
  //add undefined
  if (typeof value === 'undefined')
  if (value === '') {
  if (type === 'string') {
    value = encode(value);
    var index = indexOf.call(dictionary.strings, value);
    if (index === -1) {
      index = dictionary.strings.length - 1;
  // If has an invalid JSON type (example a function)
  if (type !== 'string' && type !== 'number') {
    throw new Error('The type is not a JSON type');
  if (type === 'string') {// string
    value = encode(value);
  } else if (value % 1 === 0) {// integer
    value = base10To36(value);
  } else {// float
  // If is number, "serialize" the value
  value = type === 'number' ? base10To36(value) : encode(value);
  // Retrieve the index of that value in the dictionary
  var index = indexOf.call(dictionary[type], value);
  // If that value is not in the dictionary
  if (index === -1) {
    // Push the value
    // And return their index
    index = dictionary[type].length - 1;
  // If the type is a number, then add the '+'  prefix character
  // to differentiate that they is a number index. If not, then
  // just return a 36-based representation of the index
  return type === 'number' ? '+' + index : index;

function encode(str) {
  if ( typeof str !== 'string')
    return str;
  return str.replace(/[\+ \|\^\%]/g, function(a) {
    return ({
      ' ' : '+',
      '+' : '%2B',
      '|' : '%7C',
      '^' : '%5E',
      '%' : '%25'

function decode(str) {
  if ( typeof str !== 'string')
    return str;
  return str.replace(/\+|%2B|%7C|%5E|%25/g, function(a) {
    return ({
      '+' : ' ',
      '%2B' : '+',
      '%7C' : '|',
      '%5E' : '^',
      '%25' : '%'

function base10To36(number) {
  return Number.prototype.toString.call(number, 36).toUpperCase();

function base36To10(number) {
  return parseInt(number, 36);

function indexOf(obj, start) {
  for (var i = (start || 0), j = this.length; i < j; i++) {
    if (this[i] === obj) {
      return i;
  return -1;



function insertLargeJson()
  var obj = {};
  obj["dummy"] = [];
  // Just to make the json huge
  for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++)

  var activeSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
  var packed = pack(obj);
  var value = JSON.stringify(packed);
  activeSheet.getRange(1, 1).setValue(value);

function readLargeJson()
  var activeSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
  var value = activeSheet.getRange(1,1).getValue();
  var packed = JSON.parse(value);
  var obj = unpack(packed);
  Browser.msgBox('Test Json array size', "" + obj["dummy"].length, Browser.Buttons.OK);



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