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為什么 for 循環中的異步不能提高執行時間?

[英]Why does async in a for loop not improve execution time?

我試圖了解並發性,因此我嘗試從 A Tour of C++(第二版)15.7.3,第 205 頁中編寫 Stroustrup 示例代碼(comp4())的更靈活版本(my_comp())。它給出了正確的答案,但它沒有使用並發來提高執行時間。 我的問題是:為什么 my_comp() 沒有按預期運行,我該如何解決?

#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <numeric>
#include <future>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;
using namespace std::chrono;

constexpr auto sz = 500'000'000;
constexpr int conc_num{ 4 };

double accum(double* beg, double* end, double init)
    return accumulate(beg, end, init);

double comp4(vector<double>& v)
//From Stroustrup, A Tour of C++ (Second edition)
//15.7.3 page 205
    auto v0 = &v[0];
    auto sz = v.size();

    auto f0 = async(accum, v0, v0 + sz / 4, 0.0);
    auto f1 = async(accum, v0 + sz / 4, v0 + sz / 2, 0.0);
    auto f2 = async(accum, v0 + sz / 2, v0 + sz * 3 / 4, 0.0);
    auto f3 = async(accum, v0 + sz * 3 / 4, v0 + sz, 0.0);

    return f0.get() + f1.get() + f2.get() + f3.get();

double my_comp(vector<double>& v, int conc = 1)
//My idea of a more flexible version of comp4
    if (conc < 1)
        conc = 1;
    auto v0 = &v[0];
    auto sz = v.size();

    vector<future<double>> fv(conc);
    for (int i = 0; i != conc; ++i) {
        auto f = async(accum, v0 + sz * (i / conc), v0 + sz * ((i + 1) / (conc)), 0.0);
        fv[i] = move(f);
    double ret{ 0.0 };
    for (int i = 0; i != fv.size(); ++i) {
        ret += fv[i].get();
    return ret;

int main()
    cout << "Calculating ..." << "\n\n";
    auto tv0 = high_resolution_clock::now();
    vector<double> vc;
    for (int i = 0; i != sz; ++i) {
        vc.push_back(sin(i));   //Arbitrary test function
    auto tv1 = high_resolution_clock::now();
    auto durtv = duration_cast<milliseconds>(tv1 - tv0).count();
    cout << "vector of size " << vc.size() << ":  " << durtv << " msec\n\n";

    auto vc_test = vc;
    auto t0 = high_resolution_clock::now();
    auto s1 = accumulate(vc_test.begin(), vc_test.end(), 0.0);
    auto t1 = high_resolution_clock::now();
    auto dur1 = duration_cast<milliseconds>(t1 - t0).count();
    vc_test = vc;
    auto tt0 = high_resolution_clock::now();
    auto s2 = my_comp(vc_test, conc_num);       //Should be faster
    auto tt1 = high_resolution_clock::now();
    auto dur2 = duration_cast<milliseconds>(tt1 - tt0).count();
    vc_test = vc;
    auto ttt0 = high_resolution_clock::now();
    auto s3 = comp4(vc_test);       //Really is faster
    auto ttt1 = high_resolution_clock::now();
    auto dur3 = duration_cast<milliseconds>(ttt1 - ttt0).count();

    cout << dur1 << " msec\n";
    cout << "Output = " << s1 << " (accumulate)" << "\n\n";
    cout << dur2 << " msec" << "  Ratio:  " << double(dur2) / double(dur1) << "\n";
    cout << "Output = " << s2 << " (my_comp)" << "\n\n";
    cout << dur3 << " msec" << "  Ratio:  " << double(dur3) / double(dur1) << "\n";
    cout << "Output = " << s3 << " (comp4)" << "\n\n";

使用 Visual C++ 2019(ISO C++17 標准(/std:c++17))X64 版本編譯。 一個典型的 output 是:

424 毫秒 Output = 1.93496(累積)

431 毫秒比率:1.01651 Output = 1.93496 (my_comp)

117 毫秒比率:0.275943 Output = 1.93496 (comp4)

我知道並行算法和 std::reduce。 我的問題不是如何優化這個特定的計算,而是學習如何編寫符合預期的並發代碼。

你的問題在這里: (i / conc) 一旦0 <= i < conc ,並且iconc是 integer,這意味着這個計算總是為零。


auto f = async(accum, v0 + sz * i / conc, v0 + sz * (i + 1) / conc, 0.0);


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