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在聯系表格 7 上居中對齊谷歌驗證碼框

[英]Align google Captcha box centally on contact form 7

我正在嘗試在我的聯系表單中添加一個驗證碼 V2 框,但是我無法將其居中對齊,並且它始終與左側對齊。

It appears the iframe is adding a div style with width and height set, if i set this to auto in inspector (element.style) it removes the left alignment but adding a class CSS rule in the customiser doesn't seem to make any difference即使我成功了,重要的是,下界確實會在來自構建器的聯系人中的短代碼周圍包裹一個 div,所以我有點卡住了


將此 CSS 放入文件中。

.g-recaptcha > div{margin: 0 auto;}


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