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在 zend-expressive-hal 配置中將選項傳遞給 ClassMethodsHydrator

[英]Pass options to ClassMethodsHydrator in zend-expressive-hal config

我使用 zend-expressive-hal (v3) 並為交付我的用戶 class 編寫了以下配置:

return [
        '__class__' => RouteBasedResourceMetadata::class,
        'resource_class' => Handler\User::class,
        'route' => 'users',
        'extractor' => ClassMethodsHydrator::class,

這工作沒有任何問題。 然而,我注意到的是,密鑰存儲在生成的 JSON 中並帶有下划線,而在我的用戶 class 中,這些方法是用駝峰寫成的。 如何補充我的上述配置以將選項傳遞給 ClassMethodsHydrator class,例如 underscoreSeparatedKeys = false?

顯然,我沒有使用最新版本的 zend hydrator,所以我沒有 Zend\Hydrator\ClassMethodsHydrator class。 我構建了自己的水合器(我確定對象的每個屬性都有 getter 和 setter):

class ObjectWithGetterAndSetterHydrator extends AbstractHydrator

    public function extract($object)
        if (!$object instanceof ApiEntityInterface) {
            throw new \RuntimeException('Could not extract object. Object must be instance of ' . ApiEntityInterface::class);
        /** @var ApiEntityInterface $object */

        $properties = $object::getExportableProperties();
        $data       = [];
        foreach ($properties as $property) {
            $data[$property] = method_exists($object, 'get' . ucfirst($property)) ? $object->{'get' . ucfirst($property)}() : $object->{'is' . ucfirst($property)}();

        return $data;

    public function hydrate(array $data, $object)
        foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
            $object->{'set' . ucfirst($key)}($value);


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