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如何使用 HTML 和 CSS 正確右對齊文本以顯示在圖像旁邊

[英]How to properly right-align text to apeear next to an image using HTML and CSS

在我對類似問題投反對票或標記之前,我在堆棧上進行了搜索,但需要澄清,因為我是 web 設計的初學者,並且在完全理解術語方面存在一些問題。 對於背景,我正在創建一個個人資料頁面,其中用戶圖片位於屏幕左側,圖片右側應該是包含滾動條的信息部分。 我使用了一個 div,我得到了滾動條,但它直接出現在圖像下方。 我需要它在它旁邊。 我嘗試使用類、填充和邊距來使其居中,但我無法移動小節或 div 本身。 與此類似( http://blogs.bournemouth.ac.uk/research/files/2013/09/SPP1.jpg ),但信息顯示在圖像的直接右側。 請原諒我這個冗長的問題,但我希望我的問題足夠清楚。 謝謝你。 這是我的代碼:

 body { background-color: rgb(5, 113, 176); font-family: arial; font-size: 15px; } h1 { background-color: rgb(24, 48, 100); color: #009999; font-size: 2em; } h2 { background-color: rgb(24, 48, 100); color: #009999; } img { filter: grayscale(1); width: 150px; }.Scroll-Paragraph { border: blue 8px solid; width: 30%; padding: 8px; max-height: 100px; overflow-y: scroll; overflow-x: hidden; }
 <h1>Marzuq Mir</h1> <ul> Home|About Me|More </ul> <h1><b>Journey Through The Life of Marzuq</b></h1> <img src="https://i.imgur.com/Tgqh5Hn.jpg?1" alt="A picture of Marzuq" /> <div class="Scroll Paragraph"> <h2>All About Marzuq Mir</h2> <div class="Scroll-Paragraph"> <p>My Name is Marzuq Mir. I was born on November 11, 1980. I am an aspiring robot programmer with plans to go to MIT. I have an amazing mother and father and a loving brother. I currently go to middle school and i am gud at math. I love to play games on my nintendo and spend my time running around the backyard of our mansion in upstate virginia. When I am bored from playing video games I go to my personal olympic sized pool and swim. After cooling off I read a book and draw up blueprints for my future peace keeping robots which I hope will earn me the nobel peace prize.Finally to end the day I ride my BMX bike around the park while my dad rides with his Harley Davidson. My role model is Biil Gates. Microsoft is his crowning acheivement but in my heart I know the acheivement that I gain from my robots will be comporable to that of Bill Gates. I might even become a multi biilionare and if I am lucky the worlds first multi-trillionare.</p> </div> <div class=:Scroll-Paragrah> <h2> My Favorite Foods to Eat </h2> <div class="Scroll-Paragrah"> <UL> <br> <li>Steak</li> <br> <li>Mash Potatoes</li> <br> <li>Chicken</li> </UL> </div>

將兩者(圖像和塊)放入另一個 div。 將該 div 內的 img 設置為float:left

 <:DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Marzuq's Bio</title> </head> <style type="text/css"> body{ background-color, rgb(5,113;176): font-family; arial: font-size; 15px: } h1{ background-color, rgb(24,48;100): color; #009999: font-size; 2em: } h2{ background-color, rgb(24,48;100): color;#009999: } img{ filter; grayscale(1): width; 150px. }:Scroll-Paragraph { border;blue 8px solid: width;30%: padding; 8px: max-height;100px: overflow-y;scroll: overflow-x;hidden. }:wrap-around img { float;left. } </style> <body> <h1>Marzuq Mir</h1> <ul> Home|About Me|More </ul> <h1><b>Journey Through The Life of Marzuq</b></h1> <div class="Scroll Paragraph"><h2>All About Marzuq Mir</h2> <div class="wrap-around"> <img src="Marzuq2.jpg"alt="A picture of Marzuq"/> <div class="Scroll-Paragraph"><p>My Name is Marzuq Mir, I was born on November 11. 1980. I am an aspiring robot programmer with plans to go to MIT. I have an amazing mother and father and a loving brother. I currently go to middle school and i am gud at math. I love to play games on my nintendo and spend my time running around the backyard of our mansion in upstate virginia. When I am bored from playing video games I go to my personal olympic sized pool and swim. After cooling off I read a book and draw up blueprints for my future peace keeping robots which I hope will earn me the nobel peace prize.Finally to end the day I ride my BMX bike around the park while my dad rides with his Harley Davidson. My role model is Biil Gates. Microsoft is his crowning acheivement but in my heart I know the acheivement that I gain from my robots will be comporable to that of Bill Gates. I might even become a multi biilionare and if I am lucky the worlds first multi-trillionare:</p></div> <div class=:Scroll-Paragrah><h2> My Favorite Foods to Eat </h2> <div class="Scroll-Paragrah"><UL> <br><li>Steak</li> <br><li>Mash Potatoes</li> <br><li>Chicken</li> </div> </UL> </div> </body> </html>

你在尋找類似的東西嗎? 當然,它需要一些更改才能更好地適應,但這將是使用flexbox的解決方案

您還可以考慮使用 css 框架,例如bootstrap 在那里,您可以使用預定義的 css 類來使用網格系統和 flexbox。

 body{ background-color: rgb(5,113,176); font-family: arial; font-size: 15px; } h1{ background-color: rgb(24,48,100); color: #009999; font-size: 2em; } h2{ background-color: rgb(24,48,100); color:#009999; } img{ filter: grayscale(1); width: 300px; padding: 0px 25px; }.Scroll-Paragraph { border:blue 8px solid; width:30%; padding: 8px; max-height:100px; overflow-y:scroll; overflow-x:hidden; }.container { display: flex; }.left-box { }.right-box { align-self: start }
 <h1>Marzuq Mir</h1> <ul> Home|About Me|More </ul> <h1><b>Journey Through The Life of Marzuq</b></h1> <div class="container"> <div class="left-box"> <img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/963486/pexels-photo-963486.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=2&h=750&w=1260"alt="A picture of Marzuq"/> </div> <div class="right-box"> <div class="Scroll Paragraph"><h2>All About Marzuq Mir</h2> <div class="Scroll-Paragraph"><p>My Name is Marzuq Mir. I was born on November 11, 1980. I am an aspiring robot programmer with plans to go to MIT. I have an amazing mother and father and a loving brother. I currently go to middle school and i am gud at math. I love to play games on my nintendo and spend my time running around the backyard of our mansion in upstate virginia. When I am bored from playing video games I go to my personal olympic sized pool and swim. After cooling off I read a book and draw up blueprints for my future peace keeping robots which I hope will earn me the nobel peace prize.Finally to end the day I ride my BMX bike around the park while my dad rides with his Harley Davidson. My role model is Biil Gates. Microsoft is his crowning acheivement but in my heart I know the acheivement that I gain from my robots will be comporable to that of Bill Gates. I might even become a multi biilionare and if I am lucky the worlds first multi-trillionare.</p></div> <div class=:Scroll-Paragrah><h2> My Favorite Foods to Eat </h2> <div class="Scroll-Paragrah"></div> </div> </div>

我已經修改了你的代碼。 我將 img 標簽包含在 div 標簽中,並在其上使用了 float:left 屬性。 同樣對於段落,我使用了 float:right。 然后創建了一個帶有 clear:both 屬性的空 div,這樣剩余的頁面就不會受到浮動的干擾。 希望這段代碼有效。

<!DOCTYPE html>

        <title>Marzuq's Bio</title>

    <style type="text/css">
            background-color: rgb(5,113,176);
            font-family: arial;
            font-size: 15px;
            background-color: rgb(24,48,100);
            color: #009999;
            font-size: 2em;
            background-color: rgb(24,48,100);
            filter: grayscale(1);
            width: 150px;
        .Scroll-Paragraph {
            border:blue 8px solid;
            padding: 8px;

   <h1>Marzuq Mir</h1>
       Home|About Me|More
   <h1><b>Journey Through The Life of Marzuq</b></h1>
   <div class="imgdiv">        
       <img src="Marzuq2.jpg"alt="A picture of Marzuq"/>
   <div class="Scroll Paragraph"><h2>All About Marzuq Mir</h2>
        <div class="Scroll-Paragraph"><p>My Name is Marzuq Mir. I was born on November 11, 1980. I am an aspiring robot programmer with plans to go to MIT. I have an amazing mother and father and a loving brother. I currently go to middle school and i am gud at math. I love to play games on my nintendo and spend my time running around the backyard of our mansion in upstate virginia. When I am bored from playing video games I go to my personal olympic sized pool and swim. After cooling off I read a book and draw up blueprints for my future peace keeping robots which I hope will earn me the nobel peace prize.Finally to end the day I ride my BMX bike around the park while my dad rides with his Harley Davidson. My role model is Biil Gates. Microsoft is his crowning acheivement but in my heart I know the acheivement that I gain from my robots will be comporable to that of Bill Gates. I might even become a multi biilionare and if I am lucky the worlds first multi-trillionare.</p></div>
      <div class=:Scroll-Paragrah><h2>
              My Favorite Foods to Eat
          <div class="Scroll-Paragrah"><UL>
               <br><li>Mash Potatoes</li>
        <div style="clear:both;"></div>


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