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如何在 Lisp 中創建和寫入文本文件(續)

[英]How to create and write into text file in Lisp (continued)



“錯誤:沒有 function 定義:STR”。

誰能告訴我為什么它對我不起作用? 謝謝!

(with-open-file (str "/.../filename.txt"
                     :direction :output
                     :if-exists :supersede
                     :if-does-not-exist :create)
  (format str "write anything ~%"))

正如評論中的其他人所指出的,您使用的示例代碼是 Common LISP,而不是 AutoLISP(AutoCAD 使用的 LISP 方言)。 因此,在 AutoLISP 方言中沒有定義strwith-open-fileformat等函數。

在 AutoLISP 中,一般方法如下:

(if (setq des (open "C:\\YourFolder\\YourFile.txt" "w"))
        (write-line "Your text string" des)
        (close des)


;; If the following expression returns a non-nil value
    ;; Assign the result of the following expression to the symbol 'des'
    (setq des
        ;; Attempt to acquire a file descriptor for a file with the supplied
        ;; filepath. The open mode argument of "w" will automatically create
        ;; a new file if it doesn't exist, and will replace an existing file
        ;; if it does exist. If a file cannot be created or opened for writing,
        ;; open will return nil.
        (open "C:\\YourFolder\\YourFile.txt" "w")
    ) ;; end setq

    ;; Here, 'progn' merely evaluates the following set of expressions and
    ;; returns the result of the last evaluated expression. This enables
    ;; us to pass a set of expressions as a single 'then' argument to the
    ;; if function.

        ;; Write the string "Your text string" to the file
        ;; The write-line function will automatically append a new-line
        ;; to the end of the string.
        (write-line "Your text string" des)

        ;; Close the file descriptor
        (close des)
    ) ;; end progn

    ;; Else the file could not be opened for writing

) ;; end if


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