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從隨機字符串中刪除非數字字符,除了第一次出現 #

[英]Remove non-digit characters from random string except first occurrence of #

這個問題看起來微不足道 - 但事實並非如此。 我想使用正則表達式從沒有第一個#字符的字符串中刪除所有非數字字符。 您可以使用以下代碼段(並在那里編輯magic函數)進行測試:

 function magic(str) { // example hardcoded implementation - remove it and use proper regexp return str.replace(/#1234a5678b910/,'#12345678910'); } // Test tests = { // keys is input string, value is valid result for that input "#1234a5678b910": "#12345678910", "12#34a5678b910": "12#345678910", "1234a56#78b910": "123456#78910", "1234a5678b91#0": "1234567891#0", "1234a5678b91#0": "1234567891#0", "98#765a4321#039c": "98#7654321039", "98a765#4321#039c": "98765#4321039", "98a765b4321###39": "987654321#39", } Object.keys(tests).map(k=> console.log(`${k} Test: ${(''+(magic(k)==tests[k])).padEnd(5,' ').toUpperCase()} ( result is ${magic(k)} - should be ${tests[k]})`) );

輸入字符串以隨機方式生成。 到目前為止我嘗試過這個,但沒有運氣

function magic(str) {
   return str.replace(/(?<=#.*)[^0-9]/g, '') ;

使用 replace 和 regexp 很熱嗎?

可變長度后視僅在某些 JavaScript 引擎 (EMCA2018) 中有效。 在此處查看瀏覽器兼容性以了解后視斷言。





  • (?<!^[^#]*(?=#))否定后視確保以下不匹配
    • ^斷言字符串開頭的位置
    • [^#]*匹配除#以外的任何字符任意次數
    • (?=#)正向前瞻確保接下來是#
  • \\D+匹配任何非數字字符一次或多次

簡單來說, ^[^#]*(?=#)匹配到遇到第一個#的位置。 然后我們否定這些結果(因為我們不想替換每個字符串中的第一個# )。 最后,我們匹配與這些位置不匹配的非數字字符\\D+

 function magic(str) { // example hardcoded implementation - remove it and use proper regexp return str.replace(/(?<!^[^#]*(?=#))\\D+/g,''); } // Test tests = { // keys is input string, value is valid result for that input "#1234a5678b910": "#12345678910", "12#34a5678b910": "12#345678910", "1234a56#78b910": "123456#78910", "1234a5678b91#0": "1234567891#0", "1234a5678b91#0": "1234567891#0", "98#765a4321#039c": "98#7654321039", "98a765#4321#039c": "98765#4321039", "98a765b4321###39": "987654321#39", } Object.keys(tests).map(k=> console.log(`${k} Test: ${(''+(magic(k)==tests[k])).padEnd(5,' ').toUpperCase()} ( result is ${magic(k)} - should be ${tests[k]})`) );


此方法最適合跨瀏覽器支持(舊瀏覽器或當前不支持 EMCA2018 的瀏覽器)。


[^\d#]+    # replace all characters that aren't digits or # (first substring)
\D+        # replace all non-digit characters (second substring)

 function magic(str) { // example hardcoded implementation - remove it and use proper regexp i = str.indexOf('#') || 0 x = str.substr(0,i+1) y = str.substr(i+1) r = x.replace(/[^\\d#]+/g,'')+y.replace(/\\D+/g,'') //console.log([i,x,y,r]) return r } // Test tests = { // keys is input string, value is valid result for that input "#1234a5678b910": "#12345678910", "12#34a5678b910": "12#345678910", "1234a56#78b910": "123456#78910", "1234a5678b91#0": "1234567891#0", "1234a5678b91#0": "1234567891#0", "98#765a4321#039c": "98#7654321039", "98a765#4321#039c": "98765#4321039", "98a765b4321###39": "987654321#39", } Object.keys(tests).map(k=> console.log(`${k} Test: ${(''+(magic(k)==tests[k])).padEnd(5,' ').toUpperCase()} ( result is ${magic(k)} - should be ${tests[k]})`) );

很簡單 - 匹配包括第一個# (如果有)的部分,然后替換第二組中的非數字。 之后,只需將它們粘在一起即可。

 function magic(str) { let rx = /^([^#\\n]*\\#)(.*)/; let string = str.replace(rx, function(m, g1, g2) { if (g1.endsWith("#")) { part1 = g1.replace(/\\D+/g, "") + "#"; } else { part1 = g1.replace(/\\D+/g, ""); } return part1 + g2.replace(/\\D+/g, ""); }); return string; } // Test tests = { // keys is input string, value is valid result for that input "#1234a5678b910": "#12345678910", "12#34a5678b910": "12#345678910", "1234a56#78b910": "123456#78910", "1234a5678b91#0": "1234567891#0", "1234a5678b91#0": "1234567891#0", "98#765a4321#039c": "98#7654321039", "98a765#4321#039c": "98765#4321039", "98a765b4321###39": "987654321#39", } Object.keys(tests).map(k=> console.log(`${k} Test: ${(''+(magic(k)==tests[k])).padEnd(5,' ').toUpperCase()} ( result is ${magic(k)} - should be ${tests[k]})`) );

使用此正則表達式替換字符串([a-zA-Z])|(?<=#(.*?))# 這匹配az中的所有字符以及AZ#中的所有字符,后跟另一個 # 和字母。


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