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[英]How do I get my dice game program to generate new "dice" numbers each roll

每次運行程序時,都會出現相同的骰子數字。 此外,我的 while 語句最終顯示用戶和計算機獲勝。 我也只希望有多達五輪的回合,之后程序會顯示游戲的獲勝者。 我如何獲得它,以便只有數字較高的玩家贏得這一輪。


    var computerRandomNumberOne = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
    var computerRandomNumberTwo = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
    var userRandomNumberOne = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
    var userRandomNumberTwo = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
    var userPoints;
    var computerPoints;
    var userTotal;
    var computerTotal;
    var userWin = 0;
    var computerWin = 0;
    alert("Let's shake some dice!");

        userTotal = userRandomNumberOne + userRandomNumberTwo;
        computerTotal = computerRandomNumberOne + computerRandomNumberTwo;

    while(userPoints || computerPoints != 5)
        alert("Your turn to roll \n\nYou shook a " + userRandomNumberOne + " and a " + userRandomNumberTwo + ", so you have " + userTotal);

        alert("My turn to roll \n\nI shook a " + computerRandomNumberOne + " and a " + computerRandomNumberTwo + ", so I have " + computerTotal);

        if(computerTotal > userTotal)
            alert("I win " + computerTotal + " to " + userTotal + "\n\nI am winning " + computerWin + " to " + userWin);

        else if(computerTotal < userTotal)
            alert("You win " + userTotal + " to " + computerTotal+ "\n\nYou win " + computerTotal + " to " + userTotal + "\n\nYou are winning " + computerWin + " to " + userWin);
        if(computerTotal == userTotal)
            alert("Tie! Roll Again! \n\n");

        if(userPoints == 5)
            alert("You win the game!");
        else if(computerPoints == 5)
            alert("The computer wins the game!");


干得好! 有幾件事是錯誤的。 在while循環的()中,|| 必須分隔完整的布爾語句。 在添加變量之前,您必須為變量賦值。 在其中一個警報中,您已連續兩次明確輸入“您贏了”短語。 如果您剛剛贏得了這一輪而不是檢查整個游戲的狀態,那么您的“我是/您正在獲勝”語句就會運行。 您不會在循環內重新計算擲骰子,因此它每次只使用相同的數字。 我假設您希望 userWin 和 computerWin 運行每個玩家贏得的整個游戲數量的總數,但它的編碼與回合總數相同(不會像他們應該的那樣每回合重置為 0)。 我相信就是這樣。 這是修改后的代碼:

var userWin = 0;
var computerWin = 0;

function play(){
    var userTotal = 0;
    var computerTotal = 0;

    var userPoints = 0;
    var computerPoints = 0;

    alert("Let's shake some dice!");

    while(userPoints < 5 && computerPoints < 5){
        var computerRandomNumberOne = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
        var computerRandomNumberTwo = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
        var userRandomNumberOne = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
        var userRandomNumberTwo = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
        userTotal = userRandomNumberOne + userRandomNumberTwo;
        computerTotal = computerRandomNumberOne + computerRandomNumberTwo;

        alert("Your turn to roll \n\nYou shook a " + userRandomNumberOne + " and a " + userRandomNumberTwo + ", so you have " + userTotal);

        alert("My turn to roll \n\nI shook a " + computerRandomNumberOne + " and a " + computerRandomNumberTwo + ", so I have " + computerTotal);

        if(computerTotal > userTotal){

            var winningMessage = "You are winning " + userWin + " to " + computerWin;
            var computerIsWinning = (computerWin > userWin);
            if(computerWin == userWin){
                winningMessage = "We are tied " + userWin + " to " + computerWin;
            else if(computerIsWinning){
                winningMessage = "I am winning " + computerWin + " to " + userWin;

            alert("I win " + computerTotal + " to " + userTotal + "\n\n" + winningMessage);
        else if(computerTotal < userTotal){

            var winningMessage = "You are winning " + userWin + " to " + computerWin;
            var computerIsWinning = (computerWin > userWin);
            if(computerWin == userWin){
                winningMessage = "We are tied " + userWin + " to " + computerWin;
            else if(computerIsWinning){
                winningMessage = "I am winning " + computerWin + " to " + userWin;

            alert("You win " + userTotal + " to " + computerTotal + "\n\n" + winningMessage);
            alert("Tie! Roll Again! \n\n");

        if(userPoints == 5){
            alert("You win the game!");

        else if(computerPoints == 5){
            alert("The computer wins the game!");

    userPoints = 0;
    computerPoints = 0;


我已經保留了你擁有的隨機性,但如果你想讓它更干凈一點,你可以使用randojs.com讓它變得簡單。 你所要做的就是輸入:

rando(1, 10)


Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1)

但這是一個偏好問題! 如果您想使用randojs.com ,只需在 HTML 文檔的 head 標簽的頂部添加以下內容:

<script src="https://randojs.com/1.0.0.js"></script>


var userWin = 0;
var computerWin = 0;

function play(){
    var userTotal = 0;
    var computerTotal = 0;

    var userPoints = 0;
    var computerPoints = 0;

    alert("Let's shake some dice!");

    while(userPoints < 5 && computerPoints < 5){
        var computerRandomNumberOne = rando(1, 10);
        var computerRandomNumberTwo = rando(1, 10);
        var userRandomNumberOne = rando(1, 10);
        var userRandomNumberTwo = rando(1, 10);
        userTotal = userRandomNumberOne + userRandomNumberTwo;
        computerTotal = computerRandomNumberOne + computerRandomNumberTwo;

        alert("Your turn to roll \n\nYou shook a " + userRandomNumberOne + " and a " + userRandomNumberTwo + ", so you have " + userTotal);

        alert("My turn to roll \n\nI shook a " + computerRandomNumberOne + " and a " + computerRandomNumberTwo + ", so I have " + computerTotal);

        if(computerTotal > userTotal){

            var winningMessage = "You are winning " + userWin + " to " + computerWin;
            var computerIsWinning = (computerWin > userWin);
            if(computerWin == userWin){
                winningMessage = "We are tied " + userWin + " to " + computerWin;
            else if(computerIsWinning){
                winningMessage = "I am winning " + computerWin + " to " + userWin;

            alert("I win " + computerTotal + " to " + userTotal + "\n\n" + winningMessage);
        else if(computerTotal < userTotal){

            var winningMessage = "You are winning " + userWin + " to " + computerWin;
            var computerIsWinning = (computerWin > userWin);
            if(computerWin == userWin){
                winningMessage = "We are tied " + userWin + " to " + computerWin;
            else if(computerIsWinning){
                winningMessage = "I am winning " + computerWin + " to " + userWin;

            alert("You win " + userTotal + " to " + computerTotal + "\n\n" + winningMessage);
            alert("Tie! Roll Again! \n\n");

        if(userPoints == 5){
            alert("You win the game!");

        else if(computerPoints == 5){
            alert("The computer wins the game!");

    userPoints = 0;
    computerPoints = 0;




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