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[英]How to Synchronize Two Pagination Components on the Same Page

我正在嘗試在同一頁面上同步兩個重復的分頁組件。 怎么做? 謝謝。



const propTypes = {
    items: React.PropTypes.array.isRequired,
    onChangePage: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired,
    initialPage: React.PropTypes.number    

const defaultProps = {
    initialPage: 1

class Pagination extends React.Component {
    constructor(props) {
        this.state = { pager: {} };

    componentWillMount() {
        // set page if items array isn't empty
        if (this.props.items && this.props.items.length) {

    componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
        // reset page if items array has changed
        if (this.props.items !== prevProps.items) {

    setPage(page) {
        var items = this.props.items;
        var pager = this.state.pager;

        if (page < 1 || page > pager.totalPages) {

        // get new pager object for specified page
        pager = this.getPager(items.length, page);

        // get new page of items from items array
        var pageOfItems = items.slice(pager.startIndex, pager.endIndex + 1);

        // update state
        this.setState({ pager: pager });

        // call change page function in parent component
        this.props.onChangePage(pageOfItems, pager); 

    getPager(totalItems, currentPage, pageSize) {
        // default to first page
        currentPage = currentPage || 1;

        // default page size is 10
        pageSize = pageSize || 10;

        // calculate total pages
        var totalPages = Math.ceil(totalItems / pageSize);

        var startPage, endPage;
        if (totalPages <= 10) {
            // less than 10 total pages so show all
            startPage = 1;
            endPage = totalPages;
        } else {
            // more than 10 total pages so calculate start and end pages
            if (currentPage <= 6) {
                startPage = 1;
                endPage = 10;
            } else if (currentPage + 4 >= totalPages) {
                startPage = totalPages - 9;
                endPage = totalPages;
            } else {
                startPage = currentPage - 5;
                endPage = currentPage + 4;

        // calculate start and end item indexes
        var startIndex = (currentPage - 1) * pageSize;
        var endIndex = Math.min(startIndex + pageSize - 1, totalItems - 1);

        // create an array of pages to ng-repeat in the pager control
        var pages = [...Array((endPage + 1) - startPage).keys()].map(i => startPage + i);

        // return object with all pager properties required by the view
        return {
            totalItems: totalItems,
            currentPage: currentPage,
            pageSize: pageSize,
            totalPages: totalPages,
            startPage: startPage,
            endPage: endPage,
            startIndex: startIndex,
            endIndex: endIndex,
            pages: pages

    render() {
        var pager = this.state.pager;
      const currentPage = this.props.currentPage;
        if (!pager.pages || pager.pages.length <= 1) {
            // don't display pager if there is only 1 page
            return null;

        return (
            <ul className="pagination">
                <li className={currentPage === 1 ? 'disabled' : ''}>
                    <a onClick={() => this.setPage(1)}>First</a>
                <li className={pager.currentPage === 1 ? 'disabled' : ''}>
                    <a onClick={() => this.setPage(currentPage - 1)}>Previous</a>
                {pager.pages.map((page, index) =>
                    <li key={index} className={currentPage === page ? 'active' : ''}>
                        <a onClick={() => this.setPage(page)}>{page}</a>
                <li className={currentPage === pager.totalPages ? 'disabled' : ''}>
                    <a onClick={() => this.setPage(pager.currentPage + 1)}>Next</a>
                <li className={currentPage === pager.totalPages ? 'disabled' : ''}>
                    <a onClick={() => this.setPage(pager.totalPages)}>Last</a>

Pagination.propTypes = propTypes;
Pagination.defaultProps = defaultProps;

/* App Component 

class App extends React.Component {
    constructor() {

        // an example array of items to be paged
        var exampleItems = [...Array(150).keys()].map(i => ({ id: (i+1), name: 'Item ' + (i+1) }));

        this.state = {
            exampleItems: exampleItems,
            pageOfItems: []

        // bind function in constructor instead of render (https://github.com/yannickcr/eslint-plugin-react/blob/master/docs/rules/jsx-no-bind.md)
        this.onChangePage = this.onChangePage.bind(this);

    onChangePage(pageOfItems, pager) {
        // update state with new page of items
        this.setState({ pageOfItems: pageOfItems, currentPage: pager.currentPage });
      //try to synch two paginations


    render() {
        return (
                <div className="container">
                    <div className="text-center">
                        <h1>React - Pagination Example with logic like Google</h1>
                        {this.state.pageOfItems.map(item =>
                            <div key={item.id}>{item.name}</div>
                        <Pagination items={this.state.exampleItems} onChangePage={this.onChangePage} currentPage={this.state.currentPage} />
                <hr />
            <div className="container">
                    <div className="text-center">
                        <h1>React - Pagination Example with logic like Google</h1>
                        {this.state.pageOfItems.map(item =>
                            <div key={item.id}>{item.name}</div>
                        <Pagination items={this.state.exampleItems} onChangePage={this.onChangePage} currentPage={this.state.currentPage} />
                <div className="credits text-center">
                        <a href="http://jasonwatmore.com/post/2017/03/14/react-pagination-example-with-logic-like-google" target="_top">React - Pagination Example with Logic like Google</a>
                        <a href="http://jasonwatmore.com" target="_top">JasonWatmore.com</a>

/* Render Call
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('app'));


  1. Pagination Component render() 方法中
        const currentPage = this.props.currentPage;

並替換currentPage pager.currentPage

也setPage()方法我給一個多個參數(它是pager具有頁面的數目),用於onChangePage => this.props.onChangePage(pageOfItems, pager);

  1. App


    onChangePage(pageOfItems, pager) {
        this.setState({ pageOfItems: pageOfItems, currentPage: pager.currentPage });




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