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JUnit 5 測試

[英]JUnit 5 testing

我如何使用 java 和 @test 注釋通過 junit 測試用例實現對此類中的 3 個方法的完整分支覆蓋。

public class StringStack {
private int capacity = 10;
private int pointer = 0;
private String[] objects = new String[capacity];

public void push(String o) {
    if (pointer >= capacity)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Stack exceeded capacity!");
    objects[pointer++] = o;

public String pop() {
    if (pointer <= 0)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Stack empty");
    return objects[--pointer];


public boolean isEmpty() {
    return pointer <= 0;


我已經編寫了以下測試用例,並且我已經為 isEmpty() 方法實現了這一點,盡管我正在努力為其他兩種方法編寫測試用例,因為它們都返回對象指針,而我不知道如何在我的測試文件中對其進行初始化.

class squareTest {

    public void push() {

        StringStack push1 = new StringStack();
        String e2 = push1.pop();
        try {
            Assert.fail( "Should have thrown an exception" );
        assertEquals(IllegalArgumentException("Stack empty"), e2);
        //java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Stack empty

        }catch (Exception e) {
            String expmessage = "I should get this message";



    public void testTC3()
        try {
            fail(); // if we got here, no exception was thrown, which is bad
        catch (Exception e) {
            final String expected = "Legal Values: Package Type must be P or R";
            assertEquals( expected, e.getMessage());

    public void empty()
        StringStack test2 = new StringStack();
        boolean e1 = test2.isEmpty();
        assertEquals(true, e1);
    public void notEmpty()
        StringStack test3 = new StringStack();
        boolean ne1 = test3.equals("im not empty");
        assertEquals(false, ne1);


public void push(String o) {
    if (pointer >= capacity)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Stack exceeded capacity!");
    objects[pointer++] = o;

你需要 3 個統一測試來完全覆蓋這個

  1. 對於指針 == 容量
  2. 一個用於指針 > 容量
  3. 最后一個指針<容量

對於分支覆蓋,您只需要 1 和 3 或 2 和 3,盡管我建議所有三個都用於關鍵功能。



  • 指針 >= 容量

    @Test(exception = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void push_PointerGreaterThanCapacity_ExceptionThrow(){ WhiteBox.setInternalState(yourObject, "pointer",11); String inputString = "Hello"; yourObject.push(inputString); }
  • 指針<容量

    @Test public void push_PointerSmallerThanCapacity_ExceptionThrow(){ String inputString = "Hello"; yourObject.push(inputString); int pointer = WhiteBox.getInternalState(yourObject,"pointer"); String[] objects = WhiteBox.getInternalState(yourObject,"objects"); assertEquals(inputString, objects[pointer-1]); }


  • 指針 < 0

     @Test(exception = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void pop_PointerNegative_ExceptionThrow(){ WhiteBox.setInternalState(yourObject, "pointer",-1); String inputString = "Hello"; yourObject.push(inputString); }
  • 指針 > 0

     @Test public void pop_pointerGreaterThenZero_PopValue(){ //set pointer WhiteBox.setInternalState(yourObject, "pointer",2); String[] stringList = {"String0","String1","String2"}; //object array WhiteBox.setInternalState(yourObject, "objects",stringList); String actualOutput = yourObject.pop(); assertEquals(actualOutput, stringList[1]); }

在這里, yourObject 是您測試的類的對象。


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