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在 Excel VBA 中組合兩列獲取唯一計數

[英]Get unique count combining two columns in Excel VBA


1    M     20  Center1
1    M     24  Center1
2    M     25  Center2
3    F     30  Center2 
4    F     25  Center1

Total Males -   2   Total Males in Center1 - 1 
Total Females - 2   Total Females in Center2 - 1 

我想算一下 Id 和 Gender 的獨特組合。 此外,需要與中心相同的信息。

下面是我正在使用的代碼,但我在所需的單元格中獲得了 0 值。

 Sub CountPopulation() 
 Dim rCell As Range  
 Dim rRng As Range    
 Dim countM As Integer  
 Dim countF As Integer  
 Dim name As String
Set rRng = Sheet1.Range("D2:D100") 

      For Each rCell In rRng.Cells
        If rCell.Value > name Then
            If rCell.Offset(0, 2).Value = "MALE" Then
                countM = countM + 1
            End If
            If rCell.Offset(0, 2).Value = "FEMALE" Then
                countF = countF + 1
            End If
        End If
        name = rCell.Value

      Next rCell

      Sheet2.Range("D4").Value = countM   Sheet2.Range("D5").Value = countF

    End Sub


如果您已經擁有新的動態數組,這是一項非常簡單的任務。 計算 ID 和 Gender 的唯一組合的公式是:


這個公式首先形成一個唯一的(連接的)ID 和性別列表,看起來像這樣:

虛數組 UNIQUE 函數


要在 VBA 中應用它,您可以使用Evaluate() ,如下所示:

lUniqueCombinationsOfIDandGender = Evaluate("=COUNTA(UNIQUE(A2:A6&B2:B6))")

如果您想擁有中心和 ID 的唯一組合,您可以將公式更改為:




如果你真的想用 VBA 來做,這段代碼可以幫助你:

Option Explicit

Sub test()
Dim a As Integer, b As Integer, c As Integer
Dim D() As String, e As Integer, f As Integer

a = Selection.End(xlDown).Row

ReDim D(2 To a)

For b = 2 To a
    D(b) = Cells(b, 1).Value & Cells(b, 2).Value
Next b

e = a - 1

For b = 2 To a
    f = D(b)
    For c = (b + 1) To a
        If f = D(c) Then
        e = e - 1
        Exit For
        End If
    Next c
Next b
MsgBox "Unique combinations: " & e

End Sub

步驟如下: 1. 計算使用的最后一行 2. 相應地重新調整 D 數組 3. 對於每一行,用兩列條目的字符串填充每個 D() 4. 設置 e = a - 1(首先假設,所有組合都是唯一的) 5. 對於所有行:將其內容與以下行的內容進行比較,直到匹配發生。 然后繼續下一行。



  Dim rngVal As Variant, sh As Worksheet, El As Variant, boolM As Boolean, boolF As Boolean, i As Long
  Dim colM1 As New Collection, colM2 As New Collection, colF1 As New Collection, colF2 As New Collection

    Set sh = ActiveSheet 'not recommended but just for testing sake it is OK
    rngVal = sh.Range("A2:D" & sh.Range("A1").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row).value

    For i = 1 To UBound(rngVal)
        boolM = False: boolF = False
        If rngVal(i, 4) = "Center1" Then
            If rngVal(i, 2) = "M" Then
                For Each El In colM1
                    If El = rngVal(i, 1) & rngVal(i, 1) Then boolM = True: Exit For
                If Not boolM Then colM1.Add rngVal(i, 1) & rngVal(i, 1): boolM = False
            ElseIf rngVal(i, 2) = "F" Then
                For Each El In colF1
                    If El = rngVal(i, 1) & rngVal(i, 1) Then boolF = True: Exit For
                If Not boolF Then colF1.Add rngVal(i, 1) & rngVal(i, 1): boolF = False
            End If
        ElseIf rngVal(i, 4) = "Center2" Then
            If rngVal(i, 2) = "M" Then
                For Each El In colM2
                    If El = rngVal(i, 1) & rngVal(i, 1) Then boolM = True: Exit For
                If Not boolM Then colM2.Add rngVal(i, 1) & rngVal(i, 1): boolM = False
            ElseIf rngVal(i, 2) = "F" Then
                For Each El In colF2
                    If El = rngVal(i, 1) & rngVal(i, 1) Then boolF = True: Exit For
                If Not boolF Then colF2.Add rngVal(i, 1) & rngVal(i, 1): boolF = False
            End If
        End If
    Next i
    Debug.Print "Total males : " & colM1.Count + colM2.Count
    Debug.Print "Total females: " & colF1.Count + colF2.Count
    Debug.Print "Males in Center1: " & colM1.Count, "Males in Center 2: " & colM2.Count
    Debug.Print "Females in Center1: " & colF1.Count, "Females in Center2: " & colF2.Count

該代碼將工作范圍放在(變體)數組中並開始處理。 如果 Center1 的每個“M”和“F”在適當的集合(colM1、colF1)中尚不存在,並且對 Center2 成員執行相同的操作,則會將它們添加到適當的集合(colM1、colF1)中。 最后,使用它們的 `Count' 屬性從上面提到的集合中返回結果。


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