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NGINX open() 失敗 (20: Not a directory) hls vod with secure link module

[英]NGINX open() failed (20: Not a directory) hls vod with secure link module

我對 hls 流的 nginx 配置有問題。 我使用kaltura nginx vod 模塊並嘗試添加ngx_http_secure_link_module來保護流。 奇怪的是,如果我啟用ngx_http_secure_link_module (下面的日志),我會出現 404 錯誤。 我認為這是因為它在末尾找不到帶有 index.m3u8 的文件,但是如果我評論安全鏈接塊,它就可以正常工作。

我也嘗試在location ~ \\.m3u8$ {}塊中添加別名,但沒有用。 我究竟做錯了什么? 如何保護我的流?

我的直播鏈接: https://stream.example.com/hls/c14de868-3130-426a-a0cc-7ff6590e9a1f/index.m3u8?md5=0eNJ3SpBd87NGFF6Hw_zMQ&expires=1609448340 : https://stream.example.com/hls/c14de868-3130-426a-a0cc-7ff6590e9a1f/index.m3u8?md5=0eNJ3SpBd87NGFF6Hw_zMQ&expires=1609448340

我的 NGINX 配置:

server {
  listen 9000;
  server_name localhost;
  # root /srv/static;

  location ^~ /hls/ {
    # the path to c14de868-3130-426a-a0cc-7ff6590e9a1f file
    alias /srv/static/videos/1/;
    # file with cors settings
    include cors.conf;

    vod hls;

    # 1. Set secret variable
    set $secret "s3cr3t";

    # 2. Set secure link
    secure_link $arg_md5,$arg_expires;
    secure_link_md5 "$secure_link_expires $secret";

    # if I comment this block everything works fine (but security)
    location ~ \.m3u8$ {
      if ($secure_link = "") { return 403; }
      if ($secure_link = "0") { return 403; }



剛剛將此塊移出到服務器目錄並添加了vod hls; 里面。

location ~ \.m3u8$ {
  include cors.conf;
  vod hls;

  if ($secure_link = "") { return 403; }
  if ($secure_link = "0") { return 403; }


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