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方法的 Java 接口類型聲明

[英]Java Interfaces type declarations for methods

我有一個包含一些算術運算的接口。 我為復數創建了一個類,它將實現這些操作。

package numeric;
public interface Numeric {

    public void add();
    public void subtract();
    public void multiply();


package numeric;
public class Complex implements Numeric {

    private int Re, Im;
    public void add (Complex x){

我的方法目前在接口中沒有參數,因為我不知道要制作哪種類型,因為我也必須對分數使用相同的接口。 如果我在類中實現它們時放置Complex ,它會給出一個錯誤,指出該類必須實現所有接口方法。


interface Numeric {
    public void add(Numeric other);

    public void subtract(Numeric other);

    public void multiply(Numeric other);

    public Complex toComplex();

    public Fraction toFraction();



class Complex implements Numeric {

    private int Re, Im;

    public void add(Numeric other) {
        Complex complex = other.toComplex();
        this.Re += complex.Re;
        this.Im += complex.Im;

    public void subtract(Numeric other) {
        Complex complex = other.toComplex();
        this.Re -= complex.Re;
        this.Im -= complex.Im;

    public Complex toComplex() {
        return this;

    public Fraction toFraction() {
        //convert to fraction
        return null;
    //rest of the implementation

只是附帶說明:通常,此類 API 鼓勵數據結構的不變性,因此建議將其更改為以下內容:

interface Numeric {
    public Numeric add(Numeric other);

    public Numeric subtract(Numeric other);

    public Numeric multiply(Numeric other);

    public Complex toComplex();

    public Fraction toFraction();

class Complex implements Numeric {

    private final int re, im;

    public Complex(int re, int im) {
        this.re = re;
        this.im = im;

    public Numeric add(Numeric other) {
        Complex complex = other.toComplex();
        return new Complex(this.re + complex.re, this.im + complex.im);

    public Numeric subtract(Numeric other) {
        Complex complex = other.toComplex();
        return new Complex(this.re - complex.re, this.im - complex.im);

    public Complex toComplex() {
        return this;

    public Fraction toFraction() {
        //convert to fraction
        return null;

    //rest of the implementation


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