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AWS Glue SelectFields 和 Filter 不采用動態值

[英]AWS Glue SelectFields and Filter not taking dynamic values

我編寫了一個 AWS Glue 腳本,它使用SelectFields()Filter()方法進行字段選擇和過濾。 我已經用靜態值測試了這些並且工作正常,但是,當以相同格式傳遞動態值時,它們不起作用。 知道為什么不采用動態值嗎? 我通過傳遞一個動態值進行了測試,對於這種情況,兩種方法都有效。


wordstoFilter = ['USA', 'France']
columnstoSelect = ['cust_id', 'custname', 'state']

#join and return all list values in single quote along with comma
fltr_string =', '.join(["'{}'".format(value) for value in wordstoFilter])
select_string =', '.join(["'{}'".format(value) for value in columnstoSelect ])

filterkey = "country"
#below statement works with static value
#country_filter_dyf = Filter.apply(frame=custData, f=(lambda x: x["country"] in ["USA"]))
country_filter_dyf = Filter.apply(frame=custData, f=(lambda x: x[filterkey] in [fltr_string]))

##Select case
#below statement works with static value
#selected_fields_dyf = SelectFields.apply(frame = custData, paths = ['cust_id', 'cust_name', 'state', 'country'])

#Below one doesn't work
selected_dyf = SelectFields.apply(frame = custData, paths = [select_string ])

如我所見,路徑參數希望您提供一個列表,但您提供一個 str 對象:

>>> type(['cust_id', 'cust_name', 'state', 'country'])
<class 'list'>
>>> type(select_string)
<class 'str'>


>>> type(columnstoSelect)
<class 'list'>

columnstoSelect = ['cust_id', 'custname', 'state']
selected_dyf = SelectFields.apply(frame = custData, paths = columnstoSelect )


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