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[英]How to query different group of data with SQL


下面是我的兩個表 User 和 Score,我想根據他們的薪水和平均分數將用戶分為 4 組。

  1. 薪水 > 薪水中位數(根據以下數據為 400)和平均分數 > 分數中位數(這是常數:5)的用戶。 [6. Rocky, 8.Vicky]
  2. 薪水 > 薪水中位數(根據以下數據為 400)和平均分數 < 分數中位數(這是常數:5) [5.Roy, 7.Antony]
  3. 薪水 =< 薪水中位數(根據以下數據為 400)且平均分數 >= 分數中位數(這是常數:5) [1.Jack, 2.Tony, 4.Bony]
  4. 薪水 =< 薪水中位數(根據以下數據為 400)和平均分數 <= 分數中位數(這是常數:5) [3.Sham]


Name    user_id   salary
Jack     1       100
Tony     2       200
Sham     3       300
Bony     4       400
Roy      5       500
Rocky    6       600
Antony   7       700
Vicky    8       800


id     score    user_id
1        4        1
2        8        1
3        9        1
4        2        2
5        10       2
6        3        3
7        6        4
8        7        4
9        2        5
10       4        5
11       9        6
12       1        7
13       5        8
14       9        8
15       2        8
16      10        8

您可以使用窗口函數來計算子查詢中的中值。 剩下的只是聚合和條件邏輯:

select p.user_id, p.salary, avg(s.score) as avg_score,
       (case when p.salary <= p.median_salary and
                  avg(s.score) <= s.median_score
             then 'low-low'
             when p.salary <= p.median_salary and
                  avg(s.score) > s.median_score
             then 'low-high'
             when p.salary > p.median_salary and
                  avg(s.score) <= s.median_score
             then 'high-low'
             when p.salary > p.median_salary and
                  avg(s.score) <= s.median_score
             then 'high-high'
        end) as grouping             
from (select u.*,
             percentile_cont(0.5) within group (order by salary) over () as median_salary
      from users u
     ) u join
     (select s.*,
             percentile_cont(0.5) within group (order by score) over () as median_score
      from score s
     ) s
     on p.user_id = s.user_id
group by p.user_id, p.salary, p.median_salary


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