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將 MongoDB 查詢更改為 Javascript 中的 Postgres 查詢

[英]Changing a MongoDB query into a Postgres query in Javascript

我在轉換此查詢時遇到了挑戰。 我在其他人身上取得了成功,但這個領域結合了多個領域,我需要一些幫助。 這是為了獲取創建預訂的日期。

//convert this:

var getByDate = (restId, date) => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    //  create search-between dates for the date sought
    var workDate = new Date(date);
    var fromDate = new Date(workDate.getFullYear(), workDate.getMonth(), workDate.getDate());
    var thruDate = new Date(fromDate);
    thruDate.setDate(thruDate.getDate() + 1);
        restaurant_id: restId
      .exec((err, reservations) => {

//convert into PostgreSql query:

var getByDate = function (restId, date, callback) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    //  create search-between dates for the date sought
    var workDate = new Date(date);
    var fromDate = new Date(workDate.getFullYear(), workDate.getMonth(), workDate.getDate());
    var thruDate = new Date(fromDate);
    thruDate.setDate(thruDate.getDate() + 1);
    client.query('SELECT * FROM reservationSchema WHERE restaurant_id = restId ;', (error, results) => { //! NEED HELP ON THIS LINE
      if (error) {
        throw error;
      // .where('reservation_time').gte(fromDate).lt(thruDate) //! old section commented out
      // .exec((err, reservations) => {
      //   resolve(reservations);
      // });


var getByDate = function (restId, date, callback) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    //  create search-between dates for the date sought
    var workDate = new Date(date);
    var fromDate = new Date(workDate.getFullYear(), workDate.getMonth(), workDate.getDate());
    var thruDate = new Date(fromDate);
    thruDate.setDate(thruDate.getDate() + 1);
    client.query('SELECT * FROM reservationSchema WHERE restaurant_id = $1 and reservation_time >= $2, and reservation_time < $3;', [restId, fromDate, thruDate], (error, results) => {
      if (error) {
        throw error;


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