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如何替換 ArrayList 的特定部分?

[英]How to replace a specific part of an ArrayList?


story.add("Select the type of bread you want to use. Many prefer the taste of [Color] bread, while others prefer [Noun1] bread because it is healthy.");
story.add("Choose the flavor of Jam/Jelly. I personally prefer [Food] jam, but you can use whatever you want.");
story.add(" Choose the type of peanut butter - either [Adjective1] or [Adjective2].");
story.add("Take out [Number] slice(s) of bread.");
story.add(" Use a [Noun2] to [Verb1] the jam all over on of the pieces of bread.");
story.add(" Now [Verb2] the peanut butter on the other piece of bread.");
story.add("Put them together, and you have a PB&J [Verb3].");

我正在嘗試替換ArrayList的單個部分。 例如,我想用實際顏色替換[Color]而不替換整個ArrayList 這可能嗎?


使用ListIterator ,因此您可以在迭代時替換該值:

for (ListIterator<String> iter = story.listIterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
    String line = iter.next();
    line = line.replace("[Color]", "BLUE");



Select the type of bread you want to use. Many prefer the taste of BLUE bread, while others prefer [Noun1] bread because it is healthy.
Choose the flavor of Jam/Jelly. I personally prefer [Food] jam, but you can use whatever you want.
 Choose the type of peanut butter - either [Adjective1] or [Adjective2].
Take out [Number] slice(s) of bread.
 Use a [Noun2] to [Verb1] the jam all over on of the pieces of bread.
 Now [Verb2] the peanut butter on the other piece of bread.
Put them together, and you have a PB&J [Verb3].

如果你想在一次迭代中替換許多占位符,那么這樣做(Java 9+):

Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("Color", "BLUE");
map.put("Adjective1", "SMOOTH");
map.put("Adjective2", "CHUNKY");
map.put("Number", "THREE");

Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\[([^\\]]+)\\]");
for (ListIterator<String> iter = story.listIterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
    String line = iter.next();
    line = p.matcher(line).replaceAll(mr -> map.getOrDefault(mr.group(1), mr.group(0)));


Select the type of bread you want to use. Many prefer the taste of BLUE bread, while others prefer [Noun1] bread because it is healthy.
Choose the flavor of Jam/Jelly. I personally prefer [Food] jam, but you can use whatever you want.
 Choose the type of peanut butter - either SMOOTH or CHUNKY.
Take out THREE slice(s) of bread.
 Use a [Noun2] to [Verb1] the jam all over on of the pieces of bread.
 Now [Verb2] the peanut butter on the other piece of bread.
Put them together, and you have a PB&J [Verb3].

我假設這是一個String的 ArrayList ,如下所示:

ArrayList<String> story = new ArrayList<String>();
story.add("Select the type of bread you want to use. Many prefer the taste of [Color] bread, while others prefer [Noun1] bread because it is healthy.");

在這種情況下,您需要將 CharSequence [Color]替換為您的新值:

story.get(0).replace("[Color]", "yellow");

如果你想用替換的值覆蓋原始的 ArrayList 你會做...

story.set(0, story.get(0).replace("[Color]", "yellow"));

好吧,您不必遍歷 Array。也可以使用stream來完成。 您可以使用帶有 .stream() 方法的一行代碼更改集合中的任何值。

    story.stream().map( n ->n.replace("VALUE_YOU_WANT_TO_REPLACE","VALUE_YOU_WANT_TO_BE_REPLACED")).collect(Collectors.toList());


    story = (ArrayList<String>) story.stream().
        map(n ->n.replace("[Color]","BLUE")).collect(Collectors.toList());



Map<String, String> map = Map.of("[Color]", "green", "[Food]", "fries"); // etc


map.forEach((k, v) -> story.replaceAll(s -> s.replace(k, v)));

有關List#replaceAll 的信息,請參閱 javadoc



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