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[英]Iterating over two lists at the same time and try to find if a number in one list is bigger than items in the other list



list_a = [[10, 1], [25, 2]] # list sorted base on the first element of each pair
list_b = [3, 14, 5, 26]

我想看看在list_b的項目總和大於list_a[i][0] ,如果是這樣,將list_a[i][1]到總和中。 想想玩游戲並獲得list_b的積分,並在達到list_a指定的特定積分時獲得獎勵積分。

我的預期輸出是一個數字序列。 對於上面的例子:

# [3, 3+14+1, 3+14+1+5, 3+14+1+5+26+2]
# 3+14+1 because 3+14 is greater than 10
# 3+14+1+5+26+2 because 3+14+1+5+26 is greater than 25
[3, 18, 23, 51]


sum_b = 0 # used to track sum of items in list_b
output_list = []

for i in list_a:
  for j in list_b:
    # go over list b to get current sum
    sum_b += j

    if sum_b > i[0]: # when I see sum_b > i[0], I add i[1] to sum_b
      sum_b += i[1] 
    # I want to keep going through the list to see when sum_b gets greater than 25 and add 2 to sum_b

使用更新的 questoin,您似乎想要找到list_b的累積總和,並在滿足條件時添加內部list_a的第二個元素。 我建議首先編譯list_b的累積總和列表,然后交叉檢查list_a並添加滿足要求的每個第二個元素:

cumsum_b = [sum(list_b[:i+1]) for i in range(len(list_b))]

# [3, 17, 22, 48]

result = []
for s in cumsum_b:
    for n, i in list_a:
        if s > n:
            s += i

# [3, 18, 23, 51]

接近你自己的嘗試,但正確地通過list_a推進你的i 這里i始終是下一個未使用的list_a對(如果沒有剩余, list_a None ),並且我在通過list_b循環期間在正確的點使用它。

sum_b = 0 # used to track sum of items in list_b
output_list = []
iter_a = iter(list_a)
i = next(iter_a, None)

for j in list_b:
    # go over list b to get current sum
    sum_b += j

    if i and sum_b > i[0]: # when I see sum_b > i[0], I add i[1] to sum_b
        sum_b += i[1]
        i = next(iter_a, None)



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