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Spacy Phrase Matcher 空間敏感問題

[英]Spacy Phrase Matcher space sensitive issue

terms = ["Barack Obama", "Angela Merkel", "Washington, D.C."]
doc = nlp("German Chancellor Angela Merkel and US President Barack  Obama "
      "converse in the Oval Office inside the White House in Washington, D.C.")

如果我在“Barack Obama”這兩個詞之間輸入一個額外的空格,則短語匹配器將不起作用,因為它對空格敏感。 有沒有辦法克服這個空間敏感問題?

  • 操作系統:Windows 8
  • 使用的 Python 版本:3.7
  • 使用的 spaCy 版本:2.2.3
  • 環境信息:康達
import re
re.sub(' +',' ', "barack    obama")

'barack obama'


import en_core_web_sm
nlp = en_core_web_sm.load()

matcher = PhraseMatcher(nlp.vocab)
matcher.add("OBAMA", None, nlp("Barack Obama"))

doc = nlp("Barack Obama urges Congress to find courage to defend his healthcare reforms")
matches = matcher(doc)

[(7732777389095836264, 0, 2)]

但是當字符串之間有多個空格時,它將返回空列表。 即巴拉克奧巴馬之間有多個空格

doc = nlp("Barack   Obama urges Congress to find courage to defend his 
healthcare reforms")


string_=  'Barack   Obama urges Congress to find courage to defend his healthcare reforms'

space_removed_string = re.sub(' +',' ', string_)

#now passing the string in model
doc = nlp(space_removed_string)

[(7732777389095836264, 0, 2)]


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