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如何使用 ramda 獲取對象中的所有值

[英]How do you get all the value in an object using ramda

你如何映射到所有對象並使用 ramda 獲取所有值

const input ={
  a: 'apple',
        e: 'egg',
        f: 'fish'
    g: 'guava',
    h: 'honey',




 const getDeepValues = obj => Object .values(obj) .flatMap(v => typeof v === 'object' ? getDeepValues(v) : v) const input = {"a":"apple","b":{"c":{"d":{"e":"egg","f":"fish"}},"g":"guava","h":"honey"}} const result = getDeepValues(input) console.log(result)

你可以用 Ramda 創建一個 pointfree 函數,它做同樣的事情:

  1. 獲取值,
  2. 使用 R.When 和R.is(Object)檢查值是否為對象,如果是則調用getDeepValues值(需要箭頭函數,因為尚未聲明getDeepValues ),如果是則返回值不是。

 const { pipe, values, chain, when, is } = R const getDeepValues = pipe( values, // get the values chain(when(is(Object), v => getDeepValues(v))) // if the value is an object use getDeepValues or just return the value ) const input = {"a":"apple","b":{"c":{"d":{"e":"egg","f":"fish"}},"g":"guava","h":"honey"}} const result = getDeepValues(input) console.log(result)
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/ramda/0.26.1/ramda.js"></script>

無需使用 Ramda,您可以在計划 JS 中通過一個巧妙編寫的遞歸減少來實現

 const getDeepValues = obj => Object .values(obj) // 1. iterate over the object values .reduce((acc, cur) => [ ...acc, // 3. pass previous values ...( cur instanceof Object // 4. if the value we encounter is an object... ? getDeepValues(cur) // ...then use recursion to add all deep values : [cur] // ...else add one string ), ], []); // 2. start with an empty array const input ={ a: 'apple', b:{ c:{ d:{ e: 'egg', f: 'fish' } }, g: 'guava', h: 'honey', } } console.log(getDeepValues(input))


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