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[英]Gnuplot: break out of loop on keypressed

在 GnuPlot 5.2 腳本中,是否可以在按下(某些)鍵時跳出循環?

do for [m=1:6] {      
  do for [i=1:3] {
     do for [fr=0:25] {
        splot 'ex.plt' using 2:3:4 w l lt 1, sprintf("'exm%d.%d'",m,fr)  using 1:2:3 w l lt 3
        set view 69.867, 100.267, 2.503 
        pause 0.05
        break # however: conditionally, on key pressed
# break to here

檢查help bind 也許,你正在尋找這樣的東西。 當按下x時,循環將停止。


### key bind
reset session

bind "x" "Stop = 1"
Stop = 0

do for [i=1:1000] {
    plot sin(i/20.*x)
    print i
    pause 0.25
    if (Stop) {Stop = i;  break}

if (Stop) { print sprintf("Stopped after %d iterations", Stop) }
else { print "Time is over..." }

### end of code


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