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[英]Rust: Lifetime outliving anonymous function


use std::thread::{spawn, JoinHandle};

fn main() {
    let data  = vec![String::from("some data"), String::from("some more data")];

    let doer = Doer{f: |x| {return x + " hello"} };

    let results: Vec<JoinHandle<String>> = data.iter()
        .map(|x| doer.apply_async(x.to_owned()))

    results.iter().for_each(|x| println!("{}", x.join().unwrap()));

struct Doer {
    f: fn(xs: String) -> String

impl Doer {
    fn apply(&self, datum: String) -> String {
        let f = &self.f;
        return f(datum);

    fn apply_async(&self, datum: String) -> JoinHandle<String> {
        return spawn(move|| self.apply(datum));

first, the lifetime cannot outlive the anonymous lifetime #1 defined on the method body at 25:5...遇到這樣的錯誤first, the lifetime cannot outlive the anonymous lifetime #1 defined on the method body at 25:5...

我不確定什么生命比匿名生命更長久。 任何的想法?

apply_async是一種采用&self的方法。 這意味着self是一個引用,它只能保證在調用apply_async的持續時間內apply_async 關閉move || self.apply(datum) move || self.apply(datum)捕獲self 、lifetime 和所有內容,這意味着它不是'static 這就是你不能調用spawn的原因。

如果Doer實現了Clone ,解決這個問題的一種方法是制作*self的克隆並將其move到閉包中。

    fn apply_async(&self, datum: String) -> JoinHandle<String> {
        let s = self.clone();
        return spawn(move || s.apply(datum));

如果您不想克隆整個Doer ,則只能復制必要的部分,並在apply_async內重新實現apply ,例如:

    fn apply_async(&self, datum: String) -> JoinHandle<String> {
        let f = self.f;
        return spawn(move|| f(datum));


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