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三元條件下的多個 OR 運算符,

[英]Multiple OR operators in ternary condition,


我只使用一個字符就取得了成功,從我讀過的內容來看,三元運算符條件可能包括 || 或運營商。 我試過只使用兩個,但沒有產生正確的結果。

是不是因為一旦滿足條件就不會過去了 || 或運營商?



提前致謝,我是 JavsScript 的新手。


 let input = 'President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Friday aimed at preventing counterfeit products from abroad from being sold to US citizens who shop online using Amazon.com, Walmart.com or other e-commerce websites, the White House said.' const vowels = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'] const ranNum = () => {return Math.floor(Math.random() * 5)} let news = '' const swapper = input => { let count = 0 while (count != input.length) { let cond = input[count].toLowerCase() cond != ' ' || cond != 'a' ? news += vowels[ranNum()] : news += input[count] count ++ } console.log(news) } console.log(input) swapper(input) //c != 'a' || c != 'e' || c != 'i' || c != 'o' || c != 'u'


cond != ' ' || cond != 'a' ? (...)

此條件將始終為真 - 如果cond是一個空格,它將滿足cond != 'a' 如果cond'a' ,它將滿足cond != ' ' 如果cond是其他任何東西,它將滿足cond != ' '


(cond === ' ' || cond === 'a') ? news += input[count] : news += vowels[ranNum()];

 let input = 'President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Friday aimed at preventing counterfeit products from abroad from being sold to US citizens who shop online using Amazon.com , Walmart.com or other ecommerce websites, the White House said.' const vowels = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'] const ranNum = () => {return Math.floor(Math.random() * 5)} let news = '' const swapper = input => { let count = 0 while (count != input.length) { let cond = input[count].toLowerCase(); (cond === ' ' || cond === 'a') ? news += input[count] : news += vowels[ranNum()]; count ++ } console.log(news) } console.log(input) swapper(input) //c != 'a' || c != 'e' || c != 'i' || c != 'o' || c != 'u'

也就是說,你真的不應該濫用條件運算符來代替if - else

 let input = 'President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Friday aimed at preventing counterfeit products from abroad from being sold to US citizens who shop online using Amazon.com , Walmart.com or other ecommerce websites, the White House said.' const vowels = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'] const ranNum = () => { return Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) } let news = '' const swapper = input => { let count = 0 while (count != input.length) { let cond = input[count].toLowerCase(); if (cond === ' ' || cond === 'a') { news += input[count] } else { news += vowels[ranNum()]; } count++ } console.log(news) } console.log(input) swapper(input)

如果你想在這里使用條件運算符,你應該在以后news +=部分:

news += (cond === ' ' || cond === 'a') ? input[count] : vowels[ranNum()];

 let input = 'President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Friday aimed at preventing counterfeit products from abroad from being sold to US citizens who shop online using Amazon.com , Walmart.com or other ecommerce websites, the White House said.' const vowels = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'] const ranNum = () => { return Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) } let news = '' const swapper = input => { let count = 0 while (count != input.length) { let cond = input[count].toLowerCase(); news += (cond === ' ' || cond === 'a') ? input[count] : vowels[ranNum()]; count++ } console.log(news) } console.log(input) swapper(input)

當有多個值要檢查時,使用數組可能更清楚(特別是如果您計划最終進行 2 個以上的檢查):

 let input = 'President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Friday aimed at preventing counterfeit products from abroad from being sold to US citizens who shop online using Amazon.com , Walmart.com or other ecommerce websites, the White House said.' const vowels = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'] const ranNum = () => { return Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) } let news = '' const swapper = input => { let count = 0 while (count != input.length) { let cond = input[count].toLowerCase(); news += [' ', 'a'].includes(cond) ? input[count] : vowels[ranNum()]; count++ } console.log(news) } console.log(input) swapper(input)


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