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[英]How to group by based on value in json using jq?


        "certname": "server1",
        "environment": "production",
        "name": "memorysize",
        "value": "62.76 GiB"
        "certname": "server1",
        "environment": "production",
        "name": "processorcount",
        "value": 12
        "certname": "server2",
        "environment": "production",
        "name": "memorysize",
        "value": "62.76 GiB"
        "certname": "server2",
        "environment": "production",
        "name": "processorcount",
        "value": 10

我想轉換為按證書名稱分組的這種格式。 挑戰是我需要使用 value for 使其作為關鍵,如下所示

        "certname": "server1",
        "memorysize": "62.76 GiB",
        "processorcount": 12
        "certname": "server2",
        "memorysize": "62.76 GiB",
        "processorcount": 10

我如何使用 jq 做到這一點? 我試過 to_entries 但它也無濟於事。


下面是一個帶注釋的 jq 腳本。 隨意使用它,或者去掉換行符和注釋並按原樣使用它。

# First, we construct an object that maps each `$certname` to `{certname: $certname}`. We name it $init.

(map({key:.certname, value: {certname}}) | unique | from_entries) as $init |

# Next, we take each object of the input in turn (name it $attr) and assign its
# `name:value` into one of the objects.
# $init is the dictionary above
# Reduce will pass the current dictionary as . for each invocation, and the assignment
# returns the input object.

reduce .[] as $attr ($init; .[$attr.certname][$attr.name] = $attr.value) |

# Our initial dictionary has now been expanded with attributes.
# Map it back to an array of objects. .[] is a stream of objects,
# we capture that in an outer array.



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