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使用 javascript 的表單驗證(帶格式的注冊表單)

[英]Form validation using javascript (Registration Form with formatting)

我正在嘗試使用定義的格式驗證每個字段並顯示適當的錯誤消息。 用戶名顯示了相應的錯誤消息,但其余代碼不“工作”。 電子郵件字段正在工作,但在我存儲變量 atEmail 和 dotEmail 后,它不再工作了。 我已經嘗試了幾天了。 非常感謝任何建議。


var firstPassword = document.myForm.passwordOne.value;
var secondPassword = document.myForm.passwordTwo.value; 
var emailID = document.myForm.email.value;
var alphaNumeric = /^[\w ]+$/;
var letters = /^[A-Za-z]+$/;
var atEmail = emailID.indexOf("@");
var dotEmail = emailID.lastIndexOf(".");
var phone = /^\(?([0-9]{3})\)?[-. ]?([0-9]{3})[-. ]?([0-9]{4})$/;

 if(!alphaNumeric.test(document.myForm.userName.value)) {
    alert( "Please enter letters and numbers only!" );
    document.myForm.userName.focus() ;
    return false;

 if(firstPassword.value.length < 8) {
    alert( "Password must be at least 8 characters" );
    document.myForm.passwordOne.focus() ;
    return false;

 if(document.myForm.firstPassword.value != document.myForm.secondPassword.value ) {
    alert( "Password must match!" );
    document.myForm.passwordTwo.focus() ;
    return false;

 if(!letters.match(document.myForm.firstName.value)) {
    alert( "Your first name should only contain letters!" );
    document.myForm.firstName.focus() ;
    return false;

 if(!letters.match(document.myForm.lastName.value)) {
    alert( "Your last name should only contain letters!" );
    document.myForm.lastName.focus() ;
    return false;

 if (atEmail < 1 || ( dotEmail - atEmail < 2 )) {
    alert("Please enter valid email address format: xxx@xxx.xxx");
    document.myForm.email.focus() ;
    return false;

 if(phonenumber.value.match(phone)) {
    alert( "Please enter valid phone number format:(xxx) xxx-xxxx" );
    document.myForm.phonenumber.focus() ;
    return false;

 if((document.myForm.signUpNewletter[0].checked == false) &&(document.myForm.signUpNewletter[1].checked == false )) {
    alert( "Please check yes or no!" );
    document.myForm.signUpNewsletter.focus() ;
    return false;

 return true;



if(document.myForm.firstPassword.value != document.myForm.secondPassword.value ) {



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