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[英]php query taking too much time to complete report


$sql_srh="select Material_code,  Mat_type , Material_Desc , UOM from (
select Material_code, Mat_type , Material_Desc , UOM from opening_data where Mat_type in ('YACC' , 
'YFAB' , 'YLFB' , 'YLAC' , 'YSFAB' , 'YSVM' , 'YSNV' ) and datee < '".$frm."' and (location like 'J%' or location like 'L%' ) union all
select Material_code, Mat_type , Material_Desc , UOM from material_data where Mat_type in ('YACC' , 
'YFAB' , 'YLFB' , 'YLAC' , 'YSFAB' , 'YSVM' , 'YSNV')  and (location like 'J%' or location like 'L%' )
) x group by Material_code";


$res = $conn->query($sql_srh);

while($res_row = $res->fetch_assoc()){

 $res_open=$conn->query("Select Sum(qty) open_blnc From (
select  qty from opening_data where Mat_type in ('YACC' , 'YFAB' , 'YLFB' , 'YLAC' , 'YSFB' , 'YSVM' 
, 'YSNV') and Material_code = '".$res_row['Material_code']."'   and datee < '".$frm."' and (location like 'J%' or location like 'L%' )
Union all
select  qty from material_data where Mat_type in ('YACC' , 'YFAB' , 'YLFB' , 'YLAC' , 'YSFB' , 'YSVM' 
, 'YSNV') and Material_code = '".$res_row['Material_code']."'   and Posting_date < '".$frm."' and 
Debit_Credit ='S' and Move_type in ('101' , '511' , '315'  , '309' , '262' , '202' , '123' , '544' , 
'334' , '552'  , '310'  , '314') and (location like 'J%' or location like 'L%' )
Union all
select qty from material_data where Mat_type in ('YACC' , 'YFAB' , 'YLFB' , 'YLAC' , 'YSFB' , 'YSVM' 
, 'YSNV') and Material_code = '".$res_row['Material_code']."' and Posting_date < '".$frm."' and 
Debit_Credit ='H' and  Move_type in ('102' , '512' , '316' , '310' , '261' , '201' , '122' , '543' , 
'333' , '551'  , '309'  , '313') and (location like 'J%' or location like 'L%' )


$row_open = $res_open->fetch_assoc();

$res_in=$conn->query("select  sum(qty) as in_qty from ( 
select qty from material_data where Mat_type in ('YACC' , 'YFAB' , 'YLFB' , 'YLAC' , 'YSFB' , 'YSVM' 
, 'YSNV') and Material_code = '".$res_row['Material_code']."' and Posting_date >= '".$frm."' and 
Posting_date <= '".$tdt."' and Debit_Credit ='S' and Move_type in ('101' , '511' , '315' , '309') and 
(location like 'J%' or location like 'L%' )
Union all
select qty from material_data where  Mat_type in ('YACC' , 'YFAB' , 'YLFB' , 'YLAC' , 'YSFB' , 'YSVM' 
, 'YSNV') and Material_code = '".$res_row['Material_code']."' and Posting_date >= '".$frm."' and 
Posting_date <= '".$tdt."' and Debit_Credit ='H' and Move_type in ('102' , '512' , '316'  , '310') 
and (location like 'J%' or location like 'L%' ) )x");

$row_in = $res_in->fetch_assoc();

$sql_out="select sum(qty) as out_qty from (
select qty from material_data where  Mat_type in ('YACC' , 'YFAB' , 'YLFB' , 'YLAC' , 'YSFB' , 'YSVM' 
, 'YSNV') and Material_code = '".$res_row['Material_code']."' and Posting_date >= '".$frm."' and 
Posting_date <= '".$tdt."' and Debit_Credit ='H' and Move_type in ('261' , '201' , '122' , '543' , 
'333' , '551' , '309' , '313') and (location like 'J%' or location like 'L%' )
Union All
select qty from material_data where  Mat_type in ('YACC' , 'YFAB' , 'YLFB' , 'YLAC' , 'YSFB' , 'YSVM' 
, 'YSNV') and Material_code = '".$res_row['Material_code']."' and Posting_date >= '".$frm."' and 
Posting_date <= '".$tdt."' and Debit_Credit ='S' and Move_type in ('262' , '202' , '123' , '544' , 
'334' , '552' , '310' , '314') and (location like 'J%' or location like 'L%' ))x";
$res_out = $conn->query($sql_out);
$row_out = $res_out->fetch_assoc();

$sql_adj ="Select Sum(adj) as adj_qty , Sum(opname) as opnam_qty from ( select adj , opname  from 
tbl_adj_opname where Mat_type in ('YACC' , 'YFAB' , 'YLFB' , 'YLAC' , 'YSFB' , 'YSVM' , 'YSNV') and 
Material_code = '".$res_row['Material_code']."' and datee >= '".$frm."' and datee <= '".$tdt."' and 
(location like 'J%' or location like 'L%' ) and Debit_Credit = 'S'
Union All
select adj , opname  from tbl_adj_opname where Mat_type in ('YACC' , 'YFAB' , 'YLFB' , 'YLAC' , 
'YSFB' , 'YSVM' , 'YSNV') and Material_code = '".$res_row['Material_code']."' and datee >= '".$frm."' 
and datee <= '".$tdt."' and (location like 'J%' or location like 'L%' ) and Debit_Credit = 'H'

$res_adj = $conn->query($sql_adj);
$row_adj = $res_adj->fetch_assoc();

這工作正常,我的問題是生成報告需要幾個小時,我在表中有 200000 行。 如果我評論上面的代碼(意味着未結余額,數量和數量)並且只運行第一個代碼(我正在獲取材料代碼),它會在幾秒鍾內完成,但是當我嘗試生成 Comelete 報告它需要幾個小時。

其中 Mat_type 和 Move_Type 是固定的。

結果將是: ?>

<td class="sn"><?php echo $i;?></td>
<td><?php  echo $res_row['Material_code'];?></td>
<td><?php echo $res_row['Material_Desc'];?></td>
<td><?php echo $res_row['UOM'];?></td>
<td class="lft"><?php echo $open ;?></td>
<td class="lft"><?php echo abs($row_in['in_qty']);?></td>
<td class="lft"><?php echo $outqty= ($row_out['out_qty'])*(-1);?></td>
<td><?php echo $row_adj['adj_qty'];?></td>
<td class="lft"><?php  $balance = (($open+(abs($row_in['in_qty'])))- 
echo round($balance,3);
<td class="lft"><?php /*echo $opnam = ($open)+($row_in['in_qty'])- 
(abs($outqty));*/  $opnam = $row_adj['opnam_qty'];?></td>
<td class="lft"><?php  $diff = ($balance)-($opnam);  echo round($diff,3); ?> 
<?php } ?>




 FROM table1 INNER JOIN table2 
 ON table1.column_name = table2.column_name; 


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