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使用 lambda 表達式和正則表達式 java 返回具有文件大小的映射

[英]Return a map with file sizes using a lambda expression and a regular expression java

如何返回具有指定目錄中名稱與指定掩碼匹配的文件大小的映射。 DOS 掩碼可以包含特殊字符“*”和“?”。


public Map<Path, Long> fileSizes(Path dir, String mask, boolean recursive) throws IOException {
    return Files.walk(dir)
            .filter( x -> x.toFile().getName().equals(mask))
            How to make a filter by mask and regular expression correctly? Where to insert "regex"?
            .collect(Collectors.toMap(Path::getFileName, (x) -> x.toFile().length()));

如果你知道,告訴我正確的正則表達式。 我做了這個表達式:“(?:(?:*)?(?:\\w+))|(?:(?:\\?)(?:\\w))”

所以為了結合 VGR 的優秀建議和你稍微調整的代碼,我們得到了這樣的東西:

public Map<Path, Long> fileSizes(Path dir, String mask, boolean recursive) throws IOException {
    PathMatcher pathMatcher = dir.getFileSystem().getPathMatcher("glob:" + mask);
    return Files.walk(dir, recursive ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : 1)
            .filter(path -> pathMatcher.matches(path.getFileName()))
                    path -> {
                        try {
                            return Files.size(path);
                        } catch (IOException e) {
                            throw new UncheckedIOException(e);

這里最丑陋的部分是在 lambda 中處理IOException ......


public Map<Path, Long> fileSizes(Path dir, String mask, boolean recursive) throws IOException {
    final PathMatcher pathMatcher = dir.getFileSystem().getPathMatcher("glob:**/*" + mask + "*");

    try (final Stream<Path> stream = Files.walk(dir, recursive ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : 1)) {
        return stream.filter(pathMatcher::matches)
                .collect(Collectors.toMap(Path::getFileName, (x) -> x.toFile().length()));


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