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將 async/await 函數轉換為 ES5 等效函數

[英]Converting async/await function to ES5 equivalent

我正在重寫一個分批執行 REST API 調用的應用程序,例如一次執行 500 個總調用 10 個。 我需要幫助將使用 ES6+ 函數的 js 函數降級為等效於 ES5 的函數(基本上沒有箭頭函數或 async/await)。

在支持 ES6+ 函數(箭頭函數、async/await 等)的環境中使用的原始應用程序中,我的工作函數如下:


// Async function to process rest calls in batches
const searchIssues = async (restCalls, batchSize, loadingText) => {
    const restCallsLength = restCalls.length;
    var issues = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < restCallsLength; i += batchSize) {
        //create batch of requests
        var requests = restCalls.slice(i, i + batchSize).map((restCall) => {
            return fetch(restCall)
                .then(function(fieldResponse) {
                    return fieldResponse.json()
                .then(d => {
                    response = d.issues;

                    //for each issue in respose, push to issues array
                    response.forEach(issue => {
                        issue.fields.key = issue.key
        // await will force current batch to resolve, then start the next iteration.
        await Promise.all(requests)
            .catch(e => console.log(`Error in processing batch ${i} - ${e}`)) // Catch the error.

        //update loading text
            .text(loadingText + ": " + parseInt((i / restCallsLength) * 100) + "%")


    //loading is done, set to 100%
        .text(loadingText + ": 100%")
    return issues

例如,到目前為止,我編寫的代碼正確地對第一組 10 個中的其余調用進行了批量處理,但我似乎在解析 Promise 時遇到了困難,因此 for 循環可以繼續迭代。


//Async function process rest calls in batches
    function searchIssues(restCalls, batchSize, loadingText) {
        const restCallsLength = restCalls.length;
        var issues = [];
        for (var i = 0; i < restCallsLength; i += batchSize) {
            //create batch of requests
            var requests = restCalls.slice(i, i + batchSize).map(function(restCall) {
                    return fetch(restCall)
                        .then(function(fieldResponse) {
                            return fieldResponse.json()
                        .then(function(data) {
                            response = data.issues;

                            //for each issue in respose, push to issues array
                            response.forEach(function(issue) {
                                issue.fields.key = issue.key
                //await will force current batch to resolve, then start the next iteration.
            return Promise.resolve().then(function() {
                return Promise.all(requests);
            }).then(function() {
                    .text(loadingText + ": " + parseInt((i / restCallsLength) * 100) + "%")
            //.catch(e => console.log(`Error in processing batch ${i} - ${e}`)) // Catch the error.

         //loading is done, set to 100%
             .text(loadingText + ": 100%")
         return issues

我的問題是,一旦我的 10 個 restCalls 完成,我該如何正確解析 Promise 並繼續遍歷 for 循環

作為參考,我嘗試使用 Babel 編譯原始函數,但它不會在我的 Maven 應用程序中編譯,因此從頭開始重寫。

沒有async/await ,你不能暫停你的for循環。 但是你可以通過使用遞歸函數來重現這種行為,在每批 10 個之后調用自己。沿着這些路線的東西(未經測試)

// Async function to process rest calls in batches
function searchIssues(restCalls, batchSize, loadingText) {
  var restCallsLength = restCalls.length,
      issues = [],
      i = 0;

  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    (function loop() {
      if (i < restCallsLength) {
        var requests = restCalls
          .slice(i, i + batchSize)
          .map(function(restCall) {
            return fetch(restCall)
              .then(function(fieldResponse) {
                return fieldResponse.json();
              .then(function(d) {
                var response = d.issues;

                //for each issue in respose, push to issues array
                response.forEach(issue => {
                  issue.fields.key = issue.key;

        return Promise.all(requests)
          .catch(function(e) {
            console.log(`Error in processing batch ${i} - ${e}`);
          .then(function() {
            // No matter if it failed or not, go to next iteration
              loadingText + ": " + parseInt((i / restCallsLength) * 100) + "%"
            i += batchSize;
      } else {
        // loading is done, set to 100%
        d3.selectAll(".loading-text").text(loadingText + ": 100%");
        resolve(issues); // Resolve the outer promise


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